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Career Day Writing and Craft Activity
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Letter Formation and Letter Sound Recognition Handwriting BUNDLE
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Bee Bot Mat Missing Addends Number Bonds
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Number Bonds Worksheets to 10
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Showing 3137–3154 of 3154 resultsSorted by latest
With this Numbers to 99 Battle Game, students play battle with numerals, tally marks, and tens and ones. Numerals go from 1-99, tally marks go from 1 -99, and tens and ones go from 1 -99. You can break up the deck however you want, but my 1st graders play with the whole deck and love it. I assigned one expert to the group to begin with just to make sure everyone was counting tally marks correctly. This game has really helped with our tens and ones unit.
$3.00Digital Download
These Valentine Math Task Cards are a perfect addition to your math centers/rotations. These are Valentine themed task cards that cover equal expressions and word problems. There are enough for you to play Scoot with your kiddos. There are recording sheets as well as a sheet that will allow students to show their work if you want to use it as a center.
$3.00Digital Download
This CVC Word Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- bag, bet, big, bop, box, bug, bun, bus, can, cap, cat, cot, cup, cut, dip, fan, fig, fix, fog, gas, get, gum, hat, hen, hop, jig, job, jug, lip, mad, man, men, mix, mop, mug, not, nut, pad, peg, pen, pin, rag, ram, red, rob, rug, six, sun, tan, tap, ten, tin, top, tug, van, wig, win
$3.50Digital Download
This Consonant Digraphs Game H Brothers Activities is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- TH Words: bath, path, teeth, thank, that, the, them, then, they, thin, thing, think, this, three, throw, with
- SH Words: brush, crash, dish, fish, mash, rash, shack, shark, she, ship, shock, shop, shot, show, shut, wash, wish
- CH Words: charm, chart, chest, chick, child, chin, chip, chop, each, lunch, march, match, much, rich, such
- WH Words: whale, what, when, where, whip, white, whiz, who, why
$3.50Digital Download
This Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- UT: but, cut, hut, nut, put, rut, shut, gut
- IT: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, spit, grit
- AT: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, chat, that, flat, what
- ET: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet
- OT: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot,, tot, shot, trot, spot, blot, plot, snot
$3.50Digital Download
These Fact Families 1st Grade Games Winter Themed are a fun and engaging way for kiddos to practice this skill. Are your students having a hard time with Fact Families? Are they putting numbers that don’t belong in the house? This center activity was created to help my first graders with this concept. The manipulation of the actual numbers has helped them realize that the three numbers on the top are the only three numbers they can use.
$3.00Digital Download
This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game – Set 3 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- once, how, could, made, other, open, may, right, come, every, time, each, that, walk, thank, after, first, live, ask, who, school, many, were, baby, thing, book, said, tell, home, boy, don’t, can’t, wasn’t, use, why, they, bus, cat, back, under, watch, people, eat, just, has, grow, day, ball, saw, yes, have, from, came, didn’t, man, think, same
$3.50Digital Download
This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game – Set 4 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- care, fish, cut, sit, will, talk, well, read, new, find, work, fall, best, call, hill, still, next, fast, door, those, pet, us, Mrs., done, miss, feet, that’s, live, Mr., long, fell, went, night, only, sleep, were, move, pull, five, I’ll, jump, where, take, tell, shout, love, might, life, room, high, other, think, saw, much, their, something, morning
$3.50Digital Download
This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game – Set 2 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- very, this, no, are, yellow, like, then, house, please, must, all, where, good, it’s, I’m, ride, our, four, they, want, them, say, pretty, now, with, of, land, oh, an, his, over, too, white, that, came, her, him, soon, under, two, need, children, going, when, let, give, again, or, milk, were, know, take, any, there, more, by, round
$3.50Digital Download
This Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- clue, fun, June, pug, sun, but, cube, fuse, luck, puke, truck, bus, cup, glue, lung, pup, trust, bump, cupid, gulp, mud, rub, tub, bug, cute, gum, mule, rule, tug, bud, dug, hug, mum, rust, unit, blue, duke, huge, music, scuff, use, dunk, flute, hum, must, spun, yuck, fuel, hump, mute, stump, yum, fume, hut, nut, sum, chute
$0.00Digital Download
This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game – Set 1 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- said, now, my, help, make, has, am, we, and, from, down, get, into, black, park, out, yes, up, jump, me, ask, red, some, go, no, you, so, here, come, for, away, will, can, as, at, have, by, hand, the, but, was, grow, three, did, went, ran, what, see, ate, brown, little, play, funny, not, look, one, put
$3.50Digital Download
Who’s ready to have some Addition Fluency FUN? This Fact Fluency Math Games Mission Base Station activity is a huge hit in our first grade classroom. Students will “travel” the planets (digitally) and work on printable practice tests to move from planet to planet.
$5.00Digital Download
These Number Bond Flash Cards are a fun way for students to practice these skills. There are enough cards for you to have four sets of the same number bond and then four sets of mixed up number bonds to use for students who are ready for it to be a bit harder. These cover numbers 2-10.
$5.00Digital Download
Do you need a resource that will help with letter formation and letter sound recognition on a daily basis? These letter formation and letter sound recognition worksheets are a great way to start off the school year. This resource starts with whole group instruction, then moves to guided, then independent work. It is great for the first few weeks of first grade, or the last part of kindergarten. Check out my blog to read all about it.
This resource helps with figuring out what sounds students know, what letters they can form, and what sounds they can put together. This product covers handwriting, letter recognition and sound recognition for each letter of the alphabet.
$7.00Digital Download
Our Student Office Polka Dot Themed Classroom Decor privacy tents are used when we want to work independently. You will need two manila folders taped together. Then you tape the sheets I’ve created, then laminate. There is a motivational poem, a leader acrostic poem, a reminder to be quiet, a reminder to check over your work, and a letter formation page.
$2.50Digital Download
Our Number Posters Polka Dot Themed Classroom Decor set will create a precious space for your elementary kiddos! These number posters have the numbers 0-20. I have the numbers 1-9 with and without dots. All number posters have number word, numeral, tally marks, and ten frame. These print on 8 1/2 by 11 sheets – one per page. These are great to hang in your classroom for students to use as a reference – they are functional and super cute. You’ll be shocked at how much your students look to these for direction! Polka dot design is used and the colors are red, orange, turquoise and lime green.
$3.00Digital Download
This Subtraction Task Cards within 10 is a fun way for students to practice these skills. The cards have two different ways for students to figure out the answer. One card has the ten frame, and students can use counters to figure out the answer. The other card has the total amount and students need to “x” out the ones they need to take away.
$5.00Digital Download
This Addition Task Cards up to 10 is a fun way for students to practice these skills. There are three different options – students can use manipulatives to solve, students can count the cubes to solve, and students can use “dots” to solve.
$5.00Digital Download