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Career Day Writing and Craft Activity
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Letter Formation and Letter Sound Recognition Handwriting BUNDLE
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Bee Bot Mat Missing Addends Number Bonds
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Number Bonds Worksheets to 10
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Showing 1985–2016 of 3154 resultsSorted by latest
This Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the digital time that matches the analog clock. This deck covers on the hour and half hour. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Measurement Ordering Objects Boom Cards 1.MD.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students can move the objects around to see which is longest/shortest. Once they place them in the right place, the deck checks to make sure they are right. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Interpreting Data Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs Boom Cards 1.MD.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at different charts (picture graphs and bar graphs) and interpret the data. There are different types of questions that they will need to answer. From how many more/less, to which has the least, which has the most. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Interpreting Data and Measuring Boom Cards BUNDLE.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Common Core State Standards Interpreting Data, Measuring, telling time to the hour and half hour, and ordering objects. (1.MD.A.1, 1.MD.A2, 1.MD.B3, 1.MD.C4). This is a great way to make sure your students have mastered ALL of these standards. They can play the boom decks over and over again until mastery – and they will have FUN doing it!! These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home! Because of Booms Terms, my Boom cards are only sold on Boom and TPT at this time.
Original price was: $12.00.$8.80Current price is: $8.80.Digital Download
This Estimation Measuring Length Boom Cards 1.MD.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will first estimate how many units they think it will take to measure the item, then the next slide will show how many. Students will need to count then type in the correct amount. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will read the sentence, and then type the number of tens and ones. This deck helps students understand the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine tens and zero ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Tens and Ones Up to 19 Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2b set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will work on tens and ones using the place value chart. They will look at the different ways to show numbers up to 19, and then type in the amount of tens and the amount of ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Ten More Ten Less Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will read the sentence, then type in the number that is correct. This covers mentally finding 10 more or 10 less without having to count. These Boom Cards are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Subtracting Multiples of Ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the problem and subtract (vertically). This covers standard 6 1.NBT.C.6 Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences). These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
To see the preview, click on the BUY ON BOOM Button. This will give you the chance to see the first four cards of this Boom Deck.
$3.00Digital Download
This Group of ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students count the bundles of ten to find their answer. This deck helps students understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of tens and ones called a ten. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Group of ten and Place Value Chart Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Are you looking for a digital resource that will help students with tens and ones? This deck will do just that! Students count the bundles of ten and then type their answers in the place value chart. This deck helps students understand the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine tens and zero ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Greater than Less than Equal to Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This will help students with comparing two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols <, =, and >. With this deck, students will drag the correct sign to complete the statement. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Addition Tens and Ones Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2b set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the equation, and then type in the correct answer. They will look at the different ways to show numbers up to 19, and then type in the amount of tens and the amount of ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Number and Operations in Base Ten BUNDLE set will give your students lots of practice with these skills. These cover counting to 120 starting at any number, understanding place value, comparing two two-digit numbers, and using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Original price was: $45.00.$36.00Current price is: $36.00.Digital Download
This Adding within 100 horizontally Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the two numbers (one within 100 and one multiple of ten) and add the two together (horizontally). These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the problem and add (vertically). The numbers are only multiples of ten up to 90. This is a self-checking digital resource. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This 2 Digit Addition with 100 no Regrouping Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Do your students need some extra practice with 2-Digit Addition (no regrouping) using the vertical strategy? With this deck, students will look at the two numbers (one within 100 and one multiple of ten) and add the two together. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Read and Write Numbers to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will type in the related number of the number word. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Numbers to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Are you looking for some extra practice with extending the counting sequence by counting to 120 starting at any number? With this deck, students will type in the next three numbers looking at a number line. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Counting Shapes up to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. If you are in need of a deck that covers representing a number of objects with a written number, these cards have students count the shapes (using groups of tens and extras) and then they type in the correct number. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Complete Number Chart up to 120 BOOM CARDS 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck will help students extend the counting sequence, recognizing and explaining patterns using hundreds chart. Students will look at a number chart and complete. There are at least 6 numbers that they need to type in on each slide. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This What number is missing Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. These are great for centers as well as distance learning. With this deck, students will look at the two numbers, and then drag the number that fits the blank. This is a self-checking digital resource.
$1.50Digital Download
This Letter Recognition BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students select all of the lower case letters that match the capital letter. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Letter Recognition capital to lowercase Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the capital letter, and then drag the matching lowercase letter to the box. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Sequencing Boom Cards Freebie set will give your students immediate feedback with this skill. With this deck, students will sequence three items. Students will drag the numbers to the correct boxes to put the pictures in order.These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers and at home!
$0.00Digital Download
This Counting up to 10 Boom Cards set will give your students immediate feedback with this skill. With this deck, students will count the spiders, and then drag the correct number to the box. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers and at home!
$1.00Digital Download
This Beginning Sounds Recognition Boom Cards set will give your students immediate feedback with this skill. With this deck, students will click on the sound icon to hear the name of the picture. Then students will select the beginning sound. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Word Problems TOTAL UNKNOWN up to 20 using BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with TOTAL unknown up to 20 (Put together/take apart). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Word Problems Start Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with START unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Word Problems RESULT Unknown up to 20 Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with RESULT unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Word Problems Change Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with CHANGE unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download
This Word Problems Addend Unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
$3.00Digital Download