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Letter Formation and Letter Sound Recognition Handwriting BUNDLE
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Showing 353–384 of 3154 resultsSorted by latest
This Kindergarten Sight Words Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- all, am, are, at, ate, be, black, brown, but, came, did, do, eat, four, get, good, have, he, into, like, must, new, no, now, on, our, out, please, pretty, ran, ride, saw, say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this, too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, yes, away, come, find, help, jump
$3.50Digital Download
This 1st Grade Sight Words Game Literacy Centers is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- after, again, an, any, as, ask, by, could, every, fly, from, give, going, had, has, her, him, his, how, just, know, let, live, may, of, old, once, open, over, put, round, some, stop, take, thank, them, then, think, walk, were, when, yes, with, will, who, what, went, was, want, under, too, this, they, there, soon, must, have
$3.50Digital Download
These Winter Themed Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
This Long Vowels Words Game BUNDLE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
Original price was: $15.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00.Digital Download
This Long Vowel U and oo Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- blew, bloom, blue, brew, chew, chute, clue, crew, cube, cute, dew, drew, dude, due, duke, duty, few, flew, fluke, flute, food, fuse, gloomy, glue, goose, grew, huge, June, knew, loose, mood, moon, mule, music, mute, new, news, noodle, pool, proof, room, roost, rude, rule, school, scoop, screw, smooth, soon, stew, too, tool, tooth, tube, tune, unit, use
$3.50Digital Download
This Long Vowel O Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- go, so, no, pony, bony, toe, doe, hoe, oat, boat, oak, coal, coat, road, float, toast, throat, groan, soap, foam, goal, goat, toad, soak, loan, cloak, coach, coast, snow, blow, grow, low, crow, row, bow, tow, own, slow, know, glow, show, home, hope, robe, joke, smoke, rope, cone, dome, cope, hole, hope, pole, stole, tone, vote, mole
$3.50Digital Download
This Long Vowel I Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- die, bike, bite, bride, bright, by, cries, crime, cry, dime, dive, dries, fine, flight, fly, fried, fries, glide, high, hike, hive, kite, knife, lie, life, light, like, lime, line, might, mine, my, nine, pie, prize, right, ripe, shine, shy, side, sigh, sight, size, slide, slime, sly, tide, tie, tight, time, try, whine, white, why, wife, wild, wipe
$3.50Digital Download
This Long Vowel E Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- be, these, baby, meet, green, eat, team, bean, jeans, copy, me, theme, dusty, seem, sweet, sea, leaf, meal, reach, candy, we, here, pretty, feet, keep, tea, feast, leash, teach, sunny, she, key, see, free, seek, meat, plead, least, speak, he, chief, bee, three, teeth, steal, tease, please, seam, eve, brief, feed, need, peep, weak, bead, peace, ferry
$3.50Digital Download
This Long vowel A Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- brake, bake, cake, cane, cape, case, chain, chase, claim, clay, faint, fake, flake, flame, frame, gain, game, gate, grape, lane, made, main, male, mate, may, nail, name, pail, paint, pay, plain, plate, play, pray, rain, ray, sail, sale, same, say, shake, shape, skate, snail, spray, stake, state, stay, stray, tail, take, tape, train, tray, wait, wake, way
$3.50Digital Download
This Short Vowels Words Game BUNDLE Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
Original price was: $12.00.$9.60Current price is: $9.60.Digital Download
This Short Vowel O Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- bog, dot, lot, mom, pop, rob, rock, flock, slob, shot, dog, cot, hot, pod, top, sob, lock, blog, stop, snot, fog, tot, jot, rod, mop, job, sock, frog, shop, chop, jog, pot, pox, sod, hop, blob, shock, crop, plop, hog, rot, box, nod, cob, glob, stock, drop, prop, log, not, fox. cop, mob, dock, block, flop, spot
$3.50Digital Download
This Short Vowel i Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- lip, pip, six, rim, sit, big, pin, ship, hill, skin, zip, hip, rib, him, bit, rig, win, slid, pill, slip, sip, fib, mix, rid, kit, fig, fin, spit, chill, skid, rip, bib, kid, dim, pit, dig, flip, shin, thin, tip, fix, hid, it, lit, jig, tin, crib, grip, dip, bid, lid, fit, pig, wig, bin, split, twin
$3.50Digital Download
This Short Vowel E Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- ten, men, zen, fed, web, lend, sent, nest, vest, smell, beg, pen, bet, met, hem, rent, tent, test, fell, shed, peg, get, net, pet, bend, mend, vent, bell, well, sled, hen, set, yes, led, step, send, went, cell, shell, den, jet, vet, wed, gem, bent, best, tell, spell, leg, wet, bed, red, lent, dent, pest, rest, yell
$3.50Digital Download
This Short Vowel A Games Literacy Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.
- rat, gas, hat, cat, fat, mat, sat, pat, bat, ban, ran, man, pan, fan, can, wag, tan, lag, rag, van, sag, tag, gag, cab, lab, gal, bag, dab, tab, map, tap, pal, yak, sap, lap, nap, cap, gap, zap, yam, ram, ham, jam, lad, mad, bad, fax, pad, dad, tax, flat, plan, wax, glad, splat, flag, sad
$3.50Digital Download
These Thanksgiving Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Christmas Themed Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Alphabet Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$6.00Digital Download
This Thanksgiving Color by Number Math Telling Time Worksheets activities pack is the perfect way for students to practice telling time. Your students will be actively engaged as they work on these coloring worksheets. These are fun as well as educational and perfect for morning work and as a review!
$3.00Digital Download
This Thanksgiving Digital Escape Activity using Boom Cards is a great way for your students to practice ELA and Math skills while having a ton of fun with Monty! This is interactive, promotes peer collaboration and problem solving skills! Skills covered are S Blends, addition and subtraction, Sight words, and greater than and less than.
$6.00Digital Download
This Thanksgiving Mystery Pictures Place Value Worksheets are a no prep resource that is super fun! You can do whole group or independently. Students will count the hundreds, tens, and ones for each slide, and then color the appropriate square. If you do it whole group, it is timed. If you do it as an independent activity, students can go through the slides at their own pace. There are five different pictures that come with a powerpoint/GOOGLE SLIDE and QR code card.
$6.00Digital Download
If you are looking for Geometry Worksheets 1.G.A.1 that will give your students tons of practice with this Common Core Math Standard skill, you’ve found it. These worksheets are great for introduction, review, homework, remediation, enrichment, and assessments. You will know WITHOUT A DOUBT who has mastered the skill and who still needs a little bit of extra time with the specific skill.
**Digital component is for TPT EASEL – so if you are wanting to use it for that, please purchase on TPT since that’s the only way to use Easel.
$1.50Digital Download
This Vowel Team Early Finishers Activities set is a great tool to use as an early finishers activity. These are a fun way for students to practice their sounds. The slide shows a picture blanks for the letters. Students write the word on their white board. Then the correct answer is shown letter by letter. Then it automatically goes to the next slide. Once students are finished with a lesson, they grab their work mat or white board, sit on the rug (or at their desk) and begin working on the related powerpoint/google slide. No fuss, mess, or chaos! ❤️ Just press play and keep them engaged while you help the students who need more individualized attention.
$5.00Digital Download
These FAIRY TALE Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Reading Themed Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Super KIDS Themed Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Space Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These School Themed Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Digital Jigsaw Puzzles BUNDLE is a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
Original price was: $60.00.$48.00Current price is: $48.00.Digital Download
These Halloween Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
These Fall Digital Jigsaw Puzzles are a great addition to any elementary classroom. Puzzles for Google Slides are a great way for students to practice perseverance and concentration. These puzzles are sure to be a great hit in your classroom and comes with different levels of expertise (9 pieces, 16 pieces, 25 pieces, and 36 pieces). The google slides puzzle pieces are easy to move, but do not snap into place. Try a free set to see if this will work for your students (there’s a link to a freebie in the full description).
$3.00Digital Download
If you are looking for Graphing Worksheets 1.MD.C.4 that will give your students tons of practice with this Common Core Math Standard skill, you’ve found it. These worksheets are great for introduction, review, homework, remediation, enrichment, and assessments. You will know WITHOUT A DOUBT who has mastered the skill and who still needs a little bit of extra time with the specific skill.
**Digital component is for TPT EASEL – so if you are wanting to use it for that, please purchase on TPT since that’s the only way to use Easel.
$3.50Digital Download
This Counting Halloween BUNDLE Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will either count the objects and then select the correct number – works like a clip card activity OR they will drag the amount to the selected box. These are perfect for the week leading up to Halloween.
Original price was: $6.00.$4.80Current price is: $4.80.Digital Download