by Shanon | Oct 15, 2022 | Back to School, Center Activities, English/Language Arts, Worksheets
Short Vowel CVC Words activities After many years of teaching first grade, I think one of my favorite things is short vowel CVC words activities! WHY? Because most students either come with letter/sound knowledge, or quickly grasp the concept within the first few...
by Shanon | Sep 20, 2022 | Center Activities, Seasonal
Elementary Halloween Activities Anyone out there looking for elementary Halloween activities? It pretty much never fails. I think… nah! I’m not going to do a whole lot of different things during this week, and then I end up frantically looking for...
by Shanon | Sep 18, 2022 | Center Activities, Early Finishers, Worksheet
Fact Families Addition and Subtraction For some reason, students either get it or don’t… fact families addition and subtraction. If they get it – it’s so easy to keep trucking along, but when they don’t… whomp whomp! We actually...
by Shanon | Aug 11, 2022 | Center Activities, Center Activities
Fun fluency Games If you are looking for fun fluency games to play in your elementary classroom, here’s a WINNER! This will quickly become the “MOST FAVORITE” 😉 center game! It’s quick, easy, and a lot of FUN! The best part is that every...
by Shanon | Jul 25, 2022 | Back to School, Center Activities
CVC Short Vowel Games Oh… I’m a sucker for games, and these CVC Short Vowel Games are no different! Today I’m going to share 9 different games that your students can play to build fluency with short vowel words. From independent activities, to...