by Shanon | Jul 21, 2022 | Back to School
First day of School Activities Are you ready with First Day of School Activities for your kiddos? No matter how much you plan for that first day, things happen. I’ve learned through the years to make sure that I always have something EASY for my new first...
by Shanon | Jul 12, 2022 | Back to School, Classroom Decor
Faculty Meeting Games Why not start off the school year with a few faculty meeting games that take less than 10 minutes to complete? I know, teachers just want to be in their classroom getting things ready! TRUTH BE TOLD, I was absolutely 100% that teacher. I...
by Shanon | Jul 7, 2022 | Back to School, Center Activities, Classroom Decor
Collaborative Poster Activity Wow – so I just found collaborative poster activity creations! A sweet friend has been creating them for her 4th grade classroom, and she graciously showed our group how to make them. You can check out her blog, store, and FB group...
by Shanon | Jun 29, 2022 | Center Activities, Early Finishers, Math
Math Puzzles with Pictures I’m super excited to finally have time to make these math puzzles with pictures for elementary students! I’ve been wanting to use/make, but I just wasn’t sure how to create them. I finally bought a puzzle maker to use...
by Shanon | Jun 6, 2022 | Back to School
Classroom management strategies for elementary Oh how I love talking about Classroom management strategies for elementary classrooms! Are there just some things that you’re good at, and you really don’t have to think twice about it? That’s me with...