Subtraction Multiples of 10 Worksheets 1.NBT.C.6
If you are looking for Subtraction Multiples of 10 Worksheets 1.NBT.C.6 that will give your students tons of practice with this Common Core Math Standard skill, you've found it. These worksheets are great for introduction, review, homework, remediation, enrichment, and assessments. You will know WITHOUT A DOUBT who has mastered the skill and who still needs a little bit of extra time with the specific skill.
**Digital component is for TPT EASEL - so if you are wanting to use it for that, please purchase on TPT since that's the only way to use Easel.
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These worksheets cover:
- Subtraction with drawings
- Subtraction using a number line
- Vertical and horizontal subtraction
- They come with and without the standard at the top
- Subtraction using the number chart
- Subtraction with place value
Main Common Core Math Standard Covered:
- 1.NBT.C.6: Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90, using concrete models, drawings, or strategies based on place value.
How do you make sure that your students have mastered 1st Grade Math Standards? We always relied on our curriculum to teach the standards, until we moved to a standards-based report card. At that point, we needed to find an easier way to make sure our kiddos were mastering the standards while still following our curriculum (our math curriculum is amazing, but it sort of hops – and I needed something that was straight forward. Example... they mastered 10 sheets of this standard, so YAY – they know this standard…)
I’m not sure where you are or what your district does, but if you want an easy way to make sure your students are mastering the skills needed (aka standards) here are some fun and easy ways to check that off your list! Speaking of CHECK IT OFF – I have a free check-list for you to grab BELOW!
I have the rest of my year planned thanks to these resources! So user friendly!
I love that my kids can do much of this independently. They are easy prep and the kids like doing them. Thanks
This was a great tool to help me keep track of my students understanding on specific CCSS. Each year we have to align our yearly goals to specific math standards. This was an easy to use organized resource that made tracking my data so much easier than years past.
My district switched to standard referenced grading, and this allows me to see if my student has mastered a specific standard. Lots of different activities to see if they truly comprehend that standard.
We are using these in homework practice packets. Kids love it! Thanks!
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product.
Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!
Shanon Juneau ❤️
Additional information
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
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