So, where are you when it comes to digital resources? “Were” you that teacher who figured you would get to it sooner or later, only to wake up to the world we are living in where you have now been asked to start sharing digital resources with your kiddos, but you have no idea where to start? If so, I get it! Things have changed so quickly – I’d like to help you with exactly where you are. Please skip down to the section that relates most to you. AND REMEMBER… WE AR BETTER TOGETHER!
I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO START! (click on plus sign to see the post)
If you fit in this category – first let me say… breathe! It’s going to be OK. I know that this is not what most of us expected to happen, but I have faith that we will get through this, and we will be stronger afterwards.
Here’s how you can help your students (digitally):
I do believe first I have to say, THANK YOU! Thank you for all that you are doing for your students emotionally. I KNOW you are probably full of anxiety, but you are holding up to help your kiddos – so thank you!
In my free PDF, I have 15 different FULL RESOURCES for you to get started. They aren’t all digital, but they will surely help you get started with where you are!
Because you are just getting started with digital resources, my suggestion is to use Boom Cards. They are easy to share, they are engaging, interactive, self checking and FUN! I have 40 links in the resource below that you can share with your students FOR FREE! They are good until the 28th of March, but I’ll update once that day comes. Also, Boom is giving out free accounts through June 30, 2020. If you are reading this, and that date has passed, please know that the paid account is not necessary, BUT… it is super cheap.
How to share Boom Decks:
- Once you get (purchased or free) a Boom Deck, you will be redirected to the Boom Platform
- If you haven’t set up an account yet, you will directed to do so at this point.
- Now you can go to Library (top banner)
- From here, you can see all of the decks that you have purchased or gotten for free
- If you click on the drop-down arrow next to action, this is where you can share out the deck several different ways.
- Assign straight from Boom (paid account) – you can create class(es) and assign to certain students or the entire class
- Paid version gives you reports telling you what they got correct, wrong, how long it took them to answer, and how many times they worked on each card
- Fast Pin – (free account) you just give students a passcode (4 letters/numbers) and they can play the deck – but it doesn’t record their answers
- Hyperplay Link – (Paid version) – you can put this link into Google Classroom and students will be directed to log in and work on the deck you assigned – YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO REPORTS FOR THIS ONE AS WELL.
- Assign straight from Boom (paid account) – you can create class(es) and assign to certain students or the entire class
The decks are SUPER easy to share out and students absolutely love doing them! These are perfect if you are trying to find ways to keep your students engaged while they are at home. These work on all devices all long as they have internet! THEY WON’T EVEN REALIZE THEY ARE LEARNING!! WHAT?!?!
I hope that helps! Please download the PDF to get some free BOOM resources!
Here are a few freebies to help!
I JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE RESOURCES (click on plus sign to see the post)
I hear ya! It can be overwhelming! Just my store alone has over 1700 resources, so I feel your pain. There are resources that I don’t even remember I created. So, here’s a few suggestions when going to TPT to search:
- Go to the MAIN page of TPT
- Pick your Grade Level FIRST
- Then pick your subject (if that applies)
- Then scroll up to the top and search what you are looking for – I’ve found that this gives me the most accurate “finds”
- TpT just added Internet Activities as a search option as well – so that’s a great place to start if you are looking to find resources for your students to do while at home.
JUST FOR YOU! If you haven’t grabbed my free PDF that has 15 different free resources, you can grab that below! This should help you as well!!
As I sift through all of the distance learning resources that have been tagged, I believe your main focus should be how are you able to share with your families right now. You want to make things easier for them, not harder. My thoughts – not printable – but that’s just me. I know I have a printer at home, but not sure how many families actually do. So if you were not able to create packets before you left, you might just want to focus on the digital resources.
- Look for Boom Decks that will fit your grade level. These are on-line resources that you can share via Google Classroom, Remind, Email, etc. (right now they have a free account through June 30th). Also – every Friday they have #flashfridayfreebies – you can grab all kinds of great decks here for free!!!
- Look for Google resources if you are a google district. There are some great slides and forms out there that can help you continue teaching your kiddos. And of course these link beautifully with Google Classroom as well.
- Look for digital task cards – I know that a lot of teacher-authors create digital task cards that students can work on through Google Classroom as well.
Here are a few freebies to help!
MATH BOOM DECKS (these expire)
i'm ready to create my own digital resources (click on plus sign to see the post)
Well, if that’s the case… EEEEEEKKKK!!!! I’m super excited for you! I’m a HUGE advocate in training teachers how to create their own resources. I love it, it’s a great outlet for me, so I’m always super excited when I find someone who wants to get in on the fun!
So, let me first say – Digital is the way to go! If you are wanting to create your own resources, I truly believe that starting off with Boom Decks is the best way for you to utilize your time. I’ve heard time and time again that students LOVE hearing their own teacher talk to them through the platform, and they love how it fits to exactly what they are learning in class!
So if you think you’re ready…here’s a very detailed course that will walk you through exactly how to create Boom Decks using every feature they have to offer.
Have fun!!
Dear Heavenly Father – Thank you for giving us the peace in knowing that You are our mighty God! We know that You have ultimate control. I thank You for taking care of us in this time of need. Please wrap Your hands around our families and our precious students. I pray that we are guided toward You. I pray that we use this time to refocus on You and on our families and what is most important in our lives. In your name, I pray!
Shanon Juneau
We Are Better Together