Math Word Problems Start Unknown Boom Cards
This Math Word Problems Start Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with start unknown. Students will use addition within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'adding to' to solve the problem. Students can move the ducks around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Result Unknown Boom Cards
This Word Problems Result Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with RESULT unknown. Students will use addition within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'adding to' to find the total. Students can move the frogs around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Math Word Problems Change Unknown Boom Cards
This Math Word Problems Change Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with CHANGE unknown. Students will use addition within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'adding to' to find the missing part. Students can move the grasshoppers around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Addend Unknown Boom Cards
This Word Problems Addend Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with ADDEND unknown (PUT TOGETHER SITUATION). Students will use addition within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'PUTTING TOGETHER' to find the MISSING PART. Students can move the red and green apples around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Math Word Problems Total Unknown Boom Cards
This Math Word Problems Total Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with TOTAL unknown (PUT TOGETHER SITUATION). Students will use addition within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'PUTTING TOGETHER' to find the TOTAL AMOUNT. Students can move the red and green apples around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Math Word Problems Change Unknown Boom Cards
This Math Word Problems Change Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with a missing part. Students will use subtraction within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'take from' to find the MISSING PART. Students can move the frogs and red x's around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction Math Word Problems Result Unknown Boom Cards
This Subtraction Math Word Problems Result Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with RESULT UNKNOWN. Students will use subtraction within 12 to solve word problems involving situations of 'take from' to find the difference. Students can move the grasshoppers and red x's around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction Word Problems Start Unknown Boom Cards
This Subtraction Word Problems Start Unknown Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with START UNKNOWN. Students will use subtraction within 12 to solve word problems. They will be given the difference and one addend, then they will need to find the first number of the problem. Students can move the birds and red x's around to help solve, and they can click on the speaker to hear the word problem, then answer the question. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Adding 3 Numbers using BOOM Cards
This Word Problems Adding 3 Numbers using BOOM Cards 1.OA.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with three whole numbers whose sum is 12 or less. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. For this deck, students will have to work out the problem on their white board, and then type in the correct answer. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Adding on a Number Line Boom Cards 1.OA.A.2
This Word Problems Adding on a Number Line Boom Cards 1.OA.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with three whole numbers whose sum is 12 or less. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students can use the number line to help them solve these word problems. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Adding 3 Numbers using Pictures Boom Cards
This Word Problems Adding 3 Numbers using Pictures Boom Cards 1.OA.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with three whole numbers whose sum is 12 or less. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students can manipulate the smiley faces to help solve the word problems. (The smiley faces are draggable) These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Adding 3 Whole Numbers up to 20 Boom Cards
This Adding 3 Whole Numbers up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with three whole numbers whose sum is 20 or less. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. For this deck, students will have to work out the problem on their white board, and then type in the correct answer. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Adding 3 Whole Numbers on a Number Line Boom Cards
This Adding 3 Whole Numbers on a Number Line Boom Cards 1.OA.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems with three whole numbers whose sum is 20 or less. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students can use the number line to help them solve these word problems. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Associative Property of Addition Boom Cards
This Associative Property of Addition Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck helps students see that they can change the order and grouping of three or more addends to find the sum, which makes the addition easier. Students add two numbers, then solve both equations. This deck only goes UP TO 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Associative Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards
This Associative Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Associative Property of Addition. It helps students see that they can change the order and grouping of three or more addends to find the sum, which makes the addition easier. Students add two numbers, then solve both equations. This deck goes UP TO 20. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Commutative Property of Addition up to 12 Boom Cards
This Commutative Property of Addition up to 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Commutative Property of Addition. It helps students see that reversing the order of the addends does not change the total. This deck goes up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Commutative Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards
This Commutative Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Commutative Property of Addition. It helps students see that reversing the order of the addends does not change the total. This deck goes up to sums with 20. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Identity Property of Addition up to 12 Boom Cards
This Identity Property of Addition up to 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Identity Property of Addition. The Identity property shows students that any number plus zero is that number. This deck goes up to the sum 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Identity Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards
This Identity Property of Addition up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Identity Property of Addition. The Identity property shows students that any number plus zero is that number. This deck goes up to the sum 20. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Property of Subtraction Boom Cards
This Property of Subtraction Boom Cards 1.OA.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Identity Property of SUBTRACTION. The Identity property shows students that any number MINUS zero equals the start number. This deck goes up to 20. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition and Subtraction to 12 Boom Cards
This Addition and Subtraction to 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers the Comparing Addition and Subtraction. This deck gives students multiple opportunities to identify the parts of addition and subtraction equations in different forms. Students often find learning subtraction facts to be more difficult, so thinking about subtraction as finding a missing addend helps students connect what they don't know to what they do know. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition and Subtraction Fact Families Boom Cards
This Addition and Subtraction Fact Families Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers finding the fact family within the triangle and given numbers. Students look at the three numbers within the triangle, and then decide which number fits and which sign (plus or minus) fits to complete the equation. This provides opportunities for students to practice addition and subtraction facts. This deck covers equations to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Part Part Whole Addition and Subtraction Boom Cards
This Part Part Whole Addition and Subtraction Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers finding the other part or the whole amount. This gives students multiple opportunities to identify the parts of addition and subtraction equations in different forms. This deck goes up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Related Addition and Subtraction Facts Boom Cards
This Related Addition and Subtraction Facts Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers subtraction relative to addition. This deck gives students multiple opportunities to identify the parts of addition and subtraction equations in different forms. Students often find learning subtraction facts to be more difficult, so thinking about subtraction as finding a missing addend helps students connect what they don't know to what they do know. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 using Pictures with Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 using Pictures with Boom Cards 1.OA.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers counting all to find the sum. Students will be given two sets of smiley faces, and they will count all to find their answer. Before experiencing more sophisticated strategies, first graders must continue to develop counting strategies that they used in kindergarten. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction within 12 using Pictures Boom Cards
This Subtraction within 12 using Pictures Boom Cards 1.OA.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers counting all to find the difference. Students will be given two sets of smiley faces, and they will count all to figure out how many there are, and then count down to find the answer. Before experiencing more sophisticated strategies, first graders must continue to develop counting strategies that they used in kindergarten. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction Problems Counting Back Boom Cards
This Subtraction Problems Counting Back Boom Cards 1.OA.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers counting BACK to find the DIFFERENCE. Students will be given a number and then how many to take away in smiley faces. This will help them to practice the counting back strategy. Before experiencing more sophisticated strategies, first graders must continue to develop counting strategies that they used in kindergarten. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Counting On Using Pictures Boom Cards
This Counting On Using Pictures Boom Cards 1.OA.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers counting ON to find the SUM. Students will be given a number and then how many to ADD in smiley faces. This will help them to practice the counting ON strategy. Before experiencing more sophisticated strategies, first graders must continue to develop counting strategies that they used in kindergarten. This set covers equations up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Vertical Addition to 20 No Regrouping Boom Cards
This Vertical Addition to 20 No Regrouping Boom Cards 1.OA.C.6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers adding within 20 (vertically). This deck will help students add within 20, and to build their speed while practicing. There's no regrouping in this deck. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Make a Ten to Add up to 20 Boom Cards
This Make a Ten to Add up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.C.6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers adding within 20 using the make a ten to solve. This deck will help students add within 20, by helping them remember to make a ten to make it faster and easier. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equivalent Addition with 10 Boom Cards
This Equivalent Addition with 10 Boom Cards 1.OA.C.6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers equivalent addition problems with 10. As students realize that 7 + 9 is the same as 10 + 6, their speed will increase. This deck covers Equivalent Addition Problems with 10 up to 20. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equal Equations Boom Cards Set 1
This Equal Equations Boom Cards 1.OA.D.7 Set 1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students work through the problems while understanding the meaning of the equal sign. They will look at one side of the equation, and then type in the number that makes it equal. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equal Equations Boom Cards SET 2
This Equal Equations Boom Cards 1.OA.D.7 Set 2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students work through the problems while understanding the meaning of the equal sign. They will look at one side of the equation, and then type in the number that makes it equal. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equal Equations Addition Boom Cards Set 3
This Equal Equations Addition Boom Cards 1.OA.D.7 Set 3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students work through the problems while understanding the meaning of the equal sign. They will look at one side of the equation, and then type in the number that makes it equal. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equal Equations Boom Cards Set 4
This Equal Equations Boom Cards 1.OA.D.7 Set 4 Mixed Review set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students work through the problems while understanding the meaning of the equal sign. Students will have 5 equations per slide, and they will have to decide which ones are true. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Equal Equations with Subtraction Boom Cards
This Equal Equations with Subtraction Boom Cards 1.OA.D.7 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will look at one side of a subtraction equation and then determine which number to type in to make it equal. Both sides are subtraction. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Related Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Boom Cards
This Related Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers understanding subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. Students will begin to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. They will solve a subtraction and addition problem with the same missing addend. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Related Facts Addition and Subtraction up to 20 Boom Cards
This Related Facts Addition and Subtraction up to 20 Boom Cards 1.OA.B.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers understanding subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. Students will begin to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. They will solve an addition and subtraction problem with the same missing addend. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Result Unknown BOOM Cards
This Word Problems CHANGE unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with result unknown up to 20. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems CHANGE unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS
This Word Problems CHANGE unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with CHANGE unknown up to 20. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems TOTAL UNKNOWN up to 20 using BOOM CARDS
This Word Problems TOTAL UNKNOWN up to 20 using BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with TOTAL unknown up to 20 (Put together/take apart). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Addend Unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS
This Word Problems Addend Unknown up to 20 BOOM CARDS set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems RESULT Unknown up to 20 Boom Cards
This Word Problems RESULT Unknown up to 20 Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with RESULT unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Change Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards
This Word Problems Change Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with CHANGE unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Word Problems Start Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards
This Word Problems Start Unknown up to 20 BOOM Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck covers word problems dealing with START unknown up to 20 (ADD TO). Students can click on the speaker to hear the word problem. Students will need to use a white board to help them solve. Once they solve, they type in the number and Boom checks it to make sure they are correct. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Finding Missing Sums Boom Cards
This Finding Missing Sums Boom Cards Set 1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the SUM . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 Finding Missing Sums Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 Finding Missing Sums Boom Cards Set 2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the SUM . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards Set 2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND IN THE MIDDLE (unknown Number) . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards Set 3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND IN THE MIDDLE (unknown Number) . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards Set 4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND IN THE MIDDLE (unknown Number) . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards
This Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.D.8 Set 5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND (unknown Number) . These cover SUBTRACTION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards
This Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.D.8 Set 6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND (unknown Number) . These cover SUBTRACTION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards
This Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.D.8 Set 7 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND (unknown Number) . These cover SUBTRACTION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards
This Subtraction within 12 Boom Cards 1.OA.D.8 Set 8 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND (unknown Number) . These cover SUBTRACTION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards
This Addition to 12 Missing Addends Boom Cards Set 1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the MISSING ADDEND IN THE MIDDLE (unknown Number) . These cover ADDITION problems up to 12. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Complete Number Chart up to 120 BOOM CARDS 1.NBT.A.1
This Complete Number Chart up to 120 BOOM CARDS 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This deck will help students extend the counting sequence, recognizing and explaining patterns using hundreds chart. Students will look at a number chart and complete. There are at least 6 numbers that they need to type in on each slide. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Read and Write Numbers to 120 Boom Cards
This Read and Write Numbers to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will type in the related number of the number word. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Numbers to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1
This Numbers to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Are you looking for some extra practice with extending the counting sequence by counting to 120 starting at any number? With this deck, students will type in the next three numbers looking at a number line. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Counting Shapes up to 120 Boom Cards
This Counting Shapes up to 120 Boom Cards 1.NBT.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. If you are in need of a deck that covers representing a number of objects with a written number, these cards have students count the shapes (using groups of tens and extras) and then they type in the correct number. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards
This Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will read the sentence, and then type the number of tens and ones. This deck helps students understand the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine tens and zero ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Group of ten and Place Value Chart Boom Cards
This Group of ten and Place Value Chart Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Are you looking for a digital resource that will help students with tens and ones? This deck will do just that! Students count the bundles of ten and then type their answers in the place value chart. This deck helps students understand the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine tens and zero ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Group of ten Boom Cards
This Group of ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students count the bundles of ten to find their answer. This deck helps students understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of tens and ones called a ten. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Addition Tens and Ones Boom Cards
This Addition Tens and Ones Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2b set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the equation, and then type in the correct answer. They will look at the different ways to show numbers up to 19, and then type in the amount of tens and the amount of ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Tens and Ones Up to 19 Boom Cards
This Tens and Ones Up to 19 Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.2b set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will work on tens and ones using the place value chart. They will look at the different ways to show numbers up to 19, and then type in the amount of tens and the amount of ones. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Greater than Less than Equal to Boom Cards
This Greater than Less than Equal to Boom Cards 1.NBT.B.3 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. This will help students with comparing two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols <, =, and >. With this deck, students will drag the correct sign to complete the statement. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards
This Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the problem and add (vertically). The numbers are only multiples of ten up to 90. This is a self-checking digital resource. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Adding within 100 horizontally Boom Cards
This Adding within 100 horizontally Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the two numbers (one within 100 and one multiple of ten) and add the two together (horizontally). These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
2 Digit Addition with 100 no Regrouping Boom Cards
This 2 Digit Addition with 100 no Regrouping Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Do your students need some extra practice with 2-Digit Addition (no regrouping) using the vertical strategy? With this deck, students will look at the two numbers (one within 100 and one multiple of ten) and add the two together. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Ten More Ten Less Boom Cards
This Ten More Ten Less Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.5 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will read the sentence, then type in the number that is correct. This covers mentally finding 10 more or 10 less without having to count. These Boom Cards are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Subtracting Multiples of Ten Boom Cards
This Subtracting Multiples of Ten Boom Cards 1.NBT.C.6 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at the problem and subtract (vertically). This covers standard 6 1.NBT.C.6 Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences). These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
To see the preview, click on the BUY ON BOOM Button. This will give you the chance to see the first four cards of this Boom Deck.
Interpreting Data Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs Boom Cards
This Interpreting Data Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs Boom Cards 1.MD.C.4 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will look at different charts (picture graphs and bar graphs) and interpret the data. There are different types of questions that they will need to answer. From how many more/less, to which has the least, which has the most. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Estimation Measuring Length Boom Cards
This Estimation Measuring Length Boom Cards 1.MD.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students will first estimate how many units they think it will take to measure the item, then the next slide will show how many. Students will need to count then type in the correct amount. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Measurement Ordering Objects Boom Cards
This Measurement Ordering Objects Boom Cards 1.MD.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. With this deck, students can move the objects around to see which is longest/shortest. Once they place them in the right place, the deck checks to make sure they are right. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Boom Cards
This Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Boom Cards set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Students will type in the digital time that matches the analog clock. This deck covers on the hour and half hour. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
Composite Shapes Boom Cards
This Composite Shapes Boom Cards 1.G.A.2 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Here's a fun way for your students to build an object using 2-D shapes. Students have the option of first building with the outlined shapes, and then trying to build the shape with just the template. Great practice for spacial concepts. For this deck, your students will either need to take a screenshot of their images or if you have the paid Boom Account, the final products will be recorded. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
2D Shapes Defining Attributes Boom Cards
This 2D Shapes Defining Attributes Boom Cards 1.G.A.1 set will give your students lots of practice with this skill. Here's some great practice with defining attributes for 2-D shapes. Students will distinguish between open and closed shapes, count the sides, and name the shape. These decks are self-checking, interactive, and fun. Boom cards are a perfect way to help your students MASTER THE STANDARD during centers, math block, and at home!
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