How do you guys practice using number bonds? How do you get your students to master the number bond concept? I’m not sure about you, but when we were first introduced to number bonds, we were completely taken aback! Not only did we not know how to teach them, we had never even heard of them. So, in trying to give my students as much exposure as I possibly could, I came up with a few different resources to help us get a grasp on this concept.
Now… you’re probably thinking… number bonds have been around for a while now, but either we were late to the party, or well… we were probably just late to the party. And the funny thing to me was that my students had the hardest time with missing addends. But once we started teaching number bonds, that issue went away. After that, I was hooked!

We used our flashcards daily. We have decks that just cover a certain number and we have decks that combine all numbers up to 12.
Here’s how it worked:
- Students partnered up
- One student flashed the card, and the other student said the number
- I always wrote the number on the back of the card before I laminated so that the students could check their own work
- Once they went through the deck, they switched.
It’s a simple way to practice, and the kids loved it! We also had enough of the same decks so that students could compete against each other. They both start with the same deck, and whoever gets through the deck the fastest and with the most correct answers wins! There’s all kinds of different things you can do with this – let the kids come up with their own games. That’s when you know it’s meaningful!

We also created a game board with over 100 cards. Up to four students can play. They move around the board when they get the correct answer. There are cards, answer keys, a game board, and game spinner. This was a go-to every day! I found the easiest way to store this type of game was in a gallon zip lock bag. That way everything can be stored together.

If you have never played this game, your kiddos are missing out. My students absolutely loved I have Who has. Here’s the way you’re supposed to play, and then I’ll tell you how my students adapted it for them.
The Real Game:
- Sit your students in a circle
- Give each student a card
- Start with any student – they will say, I have (answer), who has (answer)
- Whichever student has that card, will then say, I have (answer), who has (answer)
- And the game continues until all students have said their card.
I love the whole group game, but one day my students were really struggling with one of my games. A group of students came up to me and asked if they could play during centers. At first I was skeptical because we had only played whole group, but I ended up saying yes, and I’m so glad I did.
- 2-4 players can play
- Pass out all of the cards to the players
- Each player puts all the cards face-up in front of them
- Players decide who goes first
- Player 1 says I have, who has (they can pick any card that is in front of them) Once they say that card, they turn it over
- The player that has that card then says, “I have… who has” and then they turn that card over
- The game is over when all cards have been turned over.
- If the students get to a point where they can’t find the card, that means that someone made a mistake, and they have to start all over again.

We also used daily worksheets for extra practice, homework, assessments, and enrichment. These worksheets were actually one of my first products on TPT, and it still remains as my number ONE selling resource. It was made out of desperation, and I honestly didn’t even think about putting it on TPT until my co-worker told me I had to add it to my store. I’m so glad she encouraged me to do so – this resource has proven to me that many teachers were in the same boat we were in. We needed extra daily practice with number bonds!

I know I’ve talked about early finisher powerpoints before, but I cannot stress enough just how much these saved my life. It was like having another teacher in the classroom. The students absolutely love them, it keeps them engaged, and it’s self-checking. Gotta love that! THIS got me a very high score anytime my administrators walked in and students were doing this. Check out my video below showing you what my number bond activity looks like.
Well… just like my early finishers, I know you’ve heard me talk OR RANT about Boom Cards before, but just wanted to show you a few of my number bond boom decks. Obviously, this is taking it one step further than all of the other things I’ve talked about before – these are self-checking, engaging, and interactive. I cannot tell you how often I hear that students are begging for more!