Products in this Bundle:
This Morning Work First Grade Year-Long Daily Math BUNDLE product can be used as spiral math homework, morning work, or daily math review! This was created to keep your students practicing math concepts all year and to help with morning work routines. Perfect for differentiation and reinforcement of skills taught! Also comes with a PPT that you can project onto your board and complete/check answers together.
**IF YOU WANT TO USE EASEL (which is only available on TPT), please click on the BUY ON TPT button.
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Each month covers different concepts:
Month 1:
- Number Bonds
- Circle the groups of ten
- More or less (numbers to 10)
- Fill in the Blank (missing numbers)
- Adding one to a number
- Completing math sentences by looking at a picture
- Make a Ten
- Word problems (numbers to 10)
- Missing Addends
- Counting on to solve
- Writing expressions
Month 2:
- Matching expressions
- Circle Complete math sentences looking at picture
- Number bonds
- Missing addends
- Doubles and Doubles plus 1
- Write expressions
- Use number path to solve addition sentences
- Write addition and subtraction sentences to match pictures
- Compare equal expressions
- Word Problems
- Related math sentences
- Fact families
- Making ten
Month 3:
- Make a ten when adding 3 numbers
- Fact Family Practice
- Make a Ten Strategy
- Addition fluency
- Equal Expressions
- Number Bonds
- Make a ten with pictures
- Word Problems
- Take From Ten Strategy
Month 4:
- Matching number sentences to number bonds or pictures
- Solve by using the take from ten strategy
- Word problems
- Making equal expressions
- Counting by fives (forwards and backwards)
- Tens and ones
- Making a ten to solve addition sentences
- Take from ten to solve subtraction sentences
- Measurement (longer than, shorter than)
Month 5:
- Finding the length using centimeters
- number bonds
- missing addends
- Graphing
- Equal expressions
- Word problems
- Tens and ones
- Tens and ones with place value chart
- One more, one less
- Ten more, ten less
- Greater than, less than, equal to
Month 6:
- Greater than, Less than, equal to
- Put numbers in order from least to greatest
- Put numbers in order from greatest to least
- Missing addends
- A number plus ten
- Tens and ones
- Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10
- Pulling out the tens to solve math problems
- Word problems
Month 7:
- Tens and ones
- Missing addends
- Pull out ten to add
- Greater than, Less than, Equal To
- Put numbers in order from least to greatest
- Geometry (sides and corners)
- Geometry (3-d shapes)
- Equal and non equal parts
- Numbers in a sequence
- Time to the hour and half hour
- Minus ten, Plus ten
Month 8:
- Time to the hour and half hour
- Word problems
- Complete math sentences
- Tens and ones (Up to 100)
- Ten more, Ten less, One more, One Less (up to 100)
- Greater than, Less than (numbers to 100)
- Put numbers in order (up to 100)
- Complete number charts
Month 9:
- Tens and ones (Up to 100)
- Counting by fives and tens up to 150
- Counting backwards by twos and ones
- Adding and subtracting tens
- Pulling out groups of ten to help add big numbers
- Solve math problems by using number bonds
- Solve math problems by using quick tens
Month 10:
- Counting coins (pennies, dimes, nickels)
- Counting coins (adding pennies to dimes, nickels, and quarters)
- Completing math sentences with numbers adding to 140)
- Labeling coins
- Tens and Ones
- Word problems
There have been so many times when students say, “But I don’t remember what to do!” OR “Did we learn this already?” Have you heard these questions? If so, morning math work that constantly either goes over concepts already taught or builds on something that they will need to know for future lessons might help with those issues. Today I’m going to continue talking about five ways to help your students MASTER THE STANDARDS. Here’s a link back to the main page in case you just happened to stumble upon this blog post. I’ve been explaining what we do to make sure our kiddos are mastering our common core state standards since we have moved to a standards-based report card. Today I’m going to talk about Morning Math time.
Who doesn't need extra math practice as a spiraling review? Here what others have to say about these monthly packets.
Great resource to practice skills in the morning and during centers.
I mostly use this for morning work and LOVE that it follows our curriculum and builds. Student's know exactly what is being asked of them because the flow of the worksheets are consistent.
I loved using these with my students! It helped breakdown the material and my students really understood the concepts.
I have been using these as part of my homework. The kids love them. 🙂
As always, LOVE Shanon Juneau resources 🙂 They are tops in my book!
Great for my 6th-8th grade special needs students. It reinforces taught concepts and provides me with time to complete my morning activities (i.e. attendance, etc). I was skeptical about the price but it is a great investment.
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product (Morning Work First Grade Year-Long Daily Math BUNDLE).
Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!
Shanon Juneau ❤️
Additional information
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
August Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
September Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
October Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
November Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
December Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
January Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
February Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
March Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
April Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
May Morning Work 1st Grade Daily Math Review
Grade Levels | 1st Grade |
Subjects | Math |
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