Product Quantity

Dot Cards Math Task Cards Printable

These Dot Cards Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the dot cards, and then write the total amount. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Pictures Task Cards

These Number Bond Pictures Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the dot cards, and then write a number bond. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Than Task Cards up to 10

These One More Than Task Cards up to 10 will sure to be a hit in your classroom. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting Up and Down Math Task Cards

These Counting Up and Down Math Task Card will sure to be a hit in your classroom. These task cards give students practice with counting up and counting down from a particular number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number sentence dot cards

These Number sentence dot cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with adding two 5-group cards together. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS

These Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice looking at a picture, and then writing the number bond and expression to match the picture.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Expressions Task Cards

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with number bonds and expressions matching the picture given.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with looking at a picture and then completing a number bond and math sentence. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game

These One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with one more than a number. There's also an extra deck of matching game cards.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Missing Addend Task Cards

These Missing Addend Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with missing addends. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Missing Addend TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Missing Addend MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with counting on to find the missing addend. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS

These Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting up three and counting down three starting at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the two different colored cubes and write expressions to match. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS

These Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the two expressions and decide if they are equal or not equal. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Number Bonds MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to practice writing number bonds using a domino. Then they will write two addition sentences. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Counting On MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on. Students will use the task cards to practice counting on. They will put the big number in their head, and then add the other number. Then they will write an addition sentence.Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS

These Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students a visual on doubles and doubles plus 1. The pictures show cubes with either the exact amount, or an amount plus 1. Students will write a math statement to solve. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Addition Chart Math TASK CARDS

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Addition Chart Printable Task Cards

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS

These Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with the doubles and doubles plus 1 strategy, which in turn helps them solve problems faster.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number bonds Math TASK CARDS

These Number bonds Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help with building fluency? These task cards will help them with change unknown with addition and relate it to subtraction using number bonds. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Path Math TASK CARDS

These Number Path Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them use a number path to write an addition and subtraction sentence counting on and counting back from a given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS

These Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help counting on or counting back? These task cards will help them use a number path to decide which way is quicker/easier to help with building fluency.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS

These One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice the counting sequence to 120 at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS

These Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice putting the big number first and taking away the smaller number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Related Facts Math TASK CARDS

These Related Facts Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with related facts. If I know that 5 + 1 = 6, then I also know that... Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!

Home » Shop » 1st Grade Printable Math Task Cards Bundle

1st Grade Printable Math Task Cards Bundle


Earn 42.35 Reward Points
Original price was: $60.50.Current price is: $42.35.

This Math Task Cards 1st Grade Printables Bundle will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!

Product Quantity

Dot Cards Math Task Cards Printable

These Dot Cards Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the dot cards, and then write the total amount. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Pictures Task Cards

These Number Bond Pictures Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the dot cards, and then write a number bond. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Than Task Cards up to 10

These One More Than Task Cards up to 10 will sure to be a hit in your classroom. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting Up and Down Math Task Cards

These Counting Up and Down Math Task Card will sure to be a hit in your classroom. These task cards give students practice with counting up and counting down from a particular number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number sentence dot cards

These Number sentence dot cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with adding two 5-group cards together. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS

These Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice looking at a picture, and then writing the number bond and expression to match the picture.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Expressions Task Cards

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with number bonds and expressions matching the picture given.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with looking at a picture and then completing a number bond and math sentence. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game

These One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with one more than a number. There's also an extra deck of matching game cards.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Missing Addend Task Cards

These Missing Addend Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with missing addends. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Missing Addend TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Missing Addend MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with counting on to find the missing addend. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS

These Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting up three and counting down three starting at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the two different colored cubes and write expressions to match. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS

These Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the two expressions and decide if they are equal or not equal. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Number Bonds MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to practice writing number bonds using a domino. Then they will write two addition sentences. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Counting On MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on. Students will use the task cards to practice counting on. They will put the big number in their head, and then add the other number. Then they will write an addition sentence.Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS

These Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students a visual on doubles and doubles plus 1. The pictures show cubes with either the exact amount, or an amount plus 1. Students will write a math statement to solve. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Addition Chart Math TASK CARDS

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Addition Chart Printable Task Cards

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS

These Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with the doubles and doubles plus 1 strategy, which in turn helps them solve problems faster.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number bonds Math TASK CARDS

These Number bonds Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help with building fluency? These task cards will help them with change unknown with addition and relate it to subtraction using number bonds. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Path Math TASK CARDS

These Number Path Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them use a number path to write an addition and subtraction sentence counting on and counting back from a given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS

These Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help counting on or counting back? These task cards will help them use a number path to decide which way is quicker/easier to help with building fluency.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS

These One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice the counting sequence to 120 at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS

These Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice putting the big number first and taking away the smaller number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Related Facts Math TASK CARDS

These Related Facts Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with related facts. If I know that 5 + 1 = 6, then I also know that... Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!

Grade Level:
Math Modules: ,
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Products in this Bundle:

Product Quantity

Dot Cards Math Task Cards Printable

These Dot Cards Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the dot cards, and then write the total amount. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Pictures Task Cards

These Number Bond Pictures Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the dot cards, and then write a number bond. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Than Task Cards up to 10

These One More Than Task Cards up to 10 will sure to be a hit in your classroom. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting Up and Down Math Task Cards

These Counting Up and Down Math Task Card will sure to be a hit in your classroom. These task cards give students practice with counting up and counting down from a particular number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number sentence dot cards

These Number sentence dot cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with adding two 5-group cards together. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS

These Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice looking at a picture, and then writing the number bond and expression to match the picture.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond Expressions Task Cards

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with number bonds and expressions matching the picture given.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS

These Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with looking at a picture and then completing a number bond and math sentence. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game

These One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with one more than a number. There's also an extra deck of matching game cards.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Missing Addend Task Cards

These Missing Addend Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with missing addends. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Missing Addend TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Missing Addend MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students practice with counting on to find the missing addend. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS

These Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on to find the sum. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS

These Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting up three and counting down three starting at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to look at the two different colored cubes and write expressions to match. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS

These Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will look at the two expressions and decide if they are equal or not equal. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Number Bonds MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students will use the task cards to practice writing number bonds using a domino. Then they will write two addition sentences. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!



These Counting On MATH TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students extra practice with counting on. Students will use the task cards to practice counting on. They will put the big number in their head, and then add the other number. Then they will write an addition sentence.Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS

These Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards give students a visual on doubles and doubles plus 1. The pictures show cubes with either the exact amount, or an amount plus 1. Students will write a math statement to solve. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Addition Chart Math TASK CARDS

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Addition Chart Printable Task Cards

These Addition Chart Math Task Cards will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards cover completing an addition chart. Students will have to look at the pattern, and then figure out what expression goes in the blank, and then complete the math sentence. These task cards were created to use during centers after you teach the lesson. Use during centers, small group instruction, or during RTI.


Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS

These Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with the doubles and doubles plus 1 strategy, which in turn helps them solve problems faster.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number bonds Math TASK CARDS

These Number bonds Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help with building fluency? These task cards will help them with change unknown with addition and relate it to subtraction using number bonds. Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Number Path Math TASK CARDS

These Number Path Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them use a number path to write an addition and subtraction sentence counting on and counting back from a given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS

These Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Do your kiddos need help counting on or counting back? These task cards will help them use a number path to decide which way is quicker/easier to help with building fluency.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS

These One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice the counting sequence to 120 at any given number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS

These Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them practice putting the big number first and taking away the smaller number.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


Related Facts Math TASK CARDS

These Related Facts Math TASK CARDS will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  These task cards will help them with related facts. If I know that 5 + 1 = 6, then I also know that... Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!


This 1st Grade Printable Math Task Cards Bundle will sure to be a hit in your classroom.  Students can play as a game with a few other students using a game board, you can use as a Scoot game, or just have students take out the set and write answers on an answer doc.  There are sooooo many options – but one things for sure – students love them, and they don’t even realize that it’s really just a cute little worksheet with one question at a time!  I know, right!?!?!

Each task card set includes:

  • Printable task cards
  • QR code to check answers
  • Answer document (Printable)
  • Answer Sheet for students to write on
  • Cover to either use with binder ring or tape to the container you are using to "house" the task cards.


I’m sure we all know what a printable task card is – but they really haven’t been around for that long if you think about it!  I don’t know who truly came up with the idea, but once they did – it took off in classrooms around the world – and mine was no different!  How could I contain myself – EVERYTHING became a task card set!  Ya’ll – for real!!

So a task card is typically just a card that usually has one topic on the card and students have to solve.  That’s pretty much it.  You can have 10 cards or 100 cards – that part doesn’t matter.



  • Thank you for this wonderful resource! Thank you for your hard work. This makes it easy for me to use with students and helps them practice these skills during our center rotations!

  • Printing and laminating these now in anticipation of using them soon! I love the format as they can be used in small groups or as a SCOOT game. Thanks!

  • My students really liked solving these task cards.

  • Love Love all of your resources!!!


Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product. Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!

Shanon Juneau ❤️


Additional information

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Dot Cards Math Task Cards Printable

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number Bond Pictures Task Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

One More Than Task Cards up to 10

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Counting Up and Down Math Task Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number sentence dot cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number Bonds and Expressions TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number Bond Expressions Task Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number Bond and Math Sentence TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

One More Math Task Cards and Matching Game

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Missing Addend Task Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Counting On to Find the Missing Addend TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Counting On to Find Sum MATH TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Counting On to Find the Sum MATH TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Three More Three Less MATH TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade


Grade Levels

1st Grade

Equal Expressions MATH TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade


Grade Levels

1st Grade


Grade Levels

1st Grade

Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Addition Chart Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Addition Chart Printable Task Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Doubles & Plus 1 Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number bonds Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Number Path Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Count on or Back Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

One Less to 120 Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Subtracting within 10 Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade

Related Facts Math TASK CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade


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