Product Quantity

5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards

This 5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at two 5-group card dots, add them together, and then click on the correct answer.


Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards

This Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number sentences to match pictures.  Students will look at the picture, then they will complete the number bond and two math sentences to match the picture.


Math Expressions using Boom Cards

This Math Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers looking at a picture and writing a math expression to match the picture.


Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards

This Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will have five options to choose from to complete the math sentence.  They will drag the correct card to the square to make a ten.


Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards

This Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers math sentences to match pictures.  Students will count the number of animals, then complete the math sentence to match.


One more Than using Boom Cards

This One more Than using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting one more.


Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds (voice directions are included).


Adding 1 More using Boom Cards

This Adding 1 More using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers adding one more to a number (up to 10)? This deck gives students manipulatives to drag out to add one more to a number, then count the total and type in the total into the box. Voice directions are included.


Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down at any given number.  Students will look at the thumbs to determine if they are going to count up by one, count down by one, or stay on that number.


Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true.


Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count up method to solve!


Count On to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Count On to Find the Sum Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Sum Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up to 20 (They will be given a number, and they will either have to type in the next three numbers going up or down.)


Writing Expressions using Boom Cards

This Writing Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the two colored cubes, and then type in the expression that matches.


Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards

This Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers equal or unequal expressions.


Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds and addition sentences.


Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards

This Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition using pictures  (They will look at the cubes, then complete the math sentence to match the cubes.)


Addition Chart using Boom Cards

This Addition Chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at an addition chart to figure out which expression is missing.


Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards

This Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition charts. Students will look at the chart and then figure out which expression is missing. Covers facts to 10.


Number Paths using Boom Cards

This Number Paths using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting using number path. Students will need to type out an addition sentence and subtraction sentence to match the number path.


Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards

This Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students decide which is easier in a subtraction sentence, counting on or counting back.


One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS

This One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers numbers to 120.  Students will type in the number that is one less than the number shown.


Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS

This Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers creating a subtraction sentence using the two given numbers.


Related Facts using BOOM CARDS

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Fact Families (related facts).  Students will solve the addition sentence, then solve the two related facts subtraction sentences.


Related Facts using Boom Cards

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Fact Families (Related Facts).  Students will complete the subtraction sentence, then using those numbers, they will then complete the two related addition sentences.



This REKENREK Practice using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Say Ten Way (students will look at a Rekenrek and decide what number it represents).


Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards

This Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will use the rekenrek to solve the subtraction problems.


One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards

This One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down by 1 up to 120.


Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the number bond, then decide which rekenrek image shows the same number bond.


Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers addition and subtraction sentences to match number bonds.



This Make a TEN BOOM DECK is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 49 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards

This Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 42 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS

This Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. The MAKE A TEN strategy can be such a hard concept for some, but with tons of practice, eventually they get it! This deck will help you give them all the practice that they need. Students will pull out a number to make a ten using the number bond.



This Make a TEN to ADD BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with nine as one addend. Students will pull one from the other number, then use the 10+ fact to solve. There are 15 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS? This deck covers the 10+ related fact with nine as one addend. There are 16 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This MAKE A TEN BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the MAKE A TEN strategy, then writing the 10+ fact to help them solve? This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. Then they will need to write the 10+ fact to find the sum. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS OF 10? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 37 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS

This Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit.  Do your kiddos need practice with matching pictures to number sentences? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 21 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit, and will help students visually see the take from ten strategy.  First, students will take from then, then add what is left. There are also some review cards that pull out ten from a teen number. There are 15 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten, then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 13 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten (WITH PICTURES), then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 9 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS deck will help students visualize the TAKE FROM TEN STRATEGY. They will either look at the picture and decide which number sentence matches, or look at the number sentence and decide which picture matches the number sentence.


Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS deck covers two different strategies - take from ten and the counting up strategy. This deck will help students see that sometimes the counting up strategy is the most efficient strategy, and other times the take from ten strategy is much quicker! The more students practice the take from ten strategy - the easier it becomes! I promise!


Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the take from ten strategy with 8 & 9. Students look at pictures, then at the arrows. Next, students will write the addition sentence and then they will solve the problem.


Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers matching the picture with the number sentence (take from ten strategy with 8 and 9). There are 29 cards in this deck.


Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers two strategies - take from ten and counting up. Students will practice both strategies to see the efficiency depending on the math sentence.


Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the TAKE FROM TEN strategy using 7,8, or 9. Great practice for this hard concept!


Math Strategies BOOM CARDS

This Math Strategies BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Students will look at a solution and decide if MAKE A TEN was used, TAKE FROM TEN was used, or COUNTING ON was used. This goes perfectly with Lesson 21 where students have to look at other student work and decide what they did.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. With this deck, students will practice building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. This deck goes will help you reteach/assess/enrich your Module 2 Lesson 2 lesson FOR FIRST GRADE.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. There's also three addend practice and equal expressions. To see if this resource fits your needs, you can check out the preview on TPT or Boom to see exactly what this resource has to offer.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom, your students will thank you.


Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with subtraction sentences to 10. Students will type in the correct answer, and they will get immediate feedback.


Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS

This Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. his Boom Deck covers all sorts of equal expressions. Some have 1 addition and 1 subtraction, some are both addition and some are both subtraction. These are higher level equal expressions!


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers students looking at a picture and then deciding how many tens there are and how many ones there are. Students will create a number bond for the picture and then write how many tens and ones.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers tens ones ones with either building teen numbers with two single digit numbers, or taking away from a teen number by using tens and ones.



This Make a Ten Boom Cards deck covers the make a ten strategy to solve.  Students will type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Take from Ten BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers TAKE FROM TEN strategy to solve. Students will be required to type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

This Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at two items and decide which one is shorter or which one is longer. Most are on the endpoint, but not all.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

With this Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck students will first need to count the centimeter cubes, then decide if group A is shorter than, longer than, or the same as B.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students lots of opportunities to first count the centimeter cubes, then type how long the item is.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to decide if the measurement was done correctly (spacing, end points, and counting.)


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at the two sets of centimeter cubes and decide which is longer/shorter than the other.


Analyzing Data Boom Deck

With this Analyzing Data Boom Deck, students will look at different graphs and answer questions. This deck also has how many more and how many fewer type questions.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards will help students understand the difference between a bundle of ten and extras. Students will look at the sticks, count the groups of tens and ones, then type in the answer into the box.


Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards

This Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck is a great set to help students with groups of tens and extras. Students will count the tens, then they will type in the amount.  Then they will count the ones (the extras), and then complete the place value chart. Once students type in the answer, they will get immediate feedback. This resource goes up to 40.


Place Value Boom Cards

Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for your students to practice reading a place value chart and then finding the picture that matches the number in the place value chart.


Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards

Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards is a great deck to add to your technology toolkit. This deck covers counting coins up to 40 using dimes and pennies. This is a St. Patrick's Day themed deck, but it is cute enough to use anytime.


Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards

Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards is a great set for your students to practice adding and taking away 10 and 1 from a given number. Students will look at the number in the first place value chart. Then they will look at the arrow that tells them to either add 1, subtract 1, add 10 or subtract 10.  Next, students will then type in the correct answer.


Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards

Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for students to practice place value by counting dimes and pennies as tens and ones. This deck goes up to 40 cents. Once students count the amount, they will fill in the place value chart and then type how many tens, ones, and the total amount.


Comparing Numbers Boom Cards

Comparing Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck to help students with comparing numbers up to 39. Students will look at the two pictures of tens and ones, write the amount for each, and then decide which shows more.


Ordering Numbers Boom Cards

Ordering Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck for students to manipulate numbers to put them in order. Students will drag the numbers from either least to greatest or greatest to least. Numbers go up to 40.


Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS Number Detective deck is a fun way for students to practice digits in the ones place and digits in the tens place. Students have to read the sentence, then type the number into the correct place in the place value chart.


Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards

Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers greater than, less than, or equal to and the numbers go up to 40. Students decide which phrase completes the sentence.


Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards

This Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards deck covers adding tens to either a one digit or two-digit number. Numbers are up to 49. Students type in the correct answer.


2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards deck gives students a visual of adding ones to a two-digit number. Then they have to write the addition sentence to match and then fill in the place value chart.


Addition Strategies Boom Cards

Addition Strategies Boom Cards deck gives students four different addition sentences. The first one is an easy addition sentence, then the next three add a multiple of ten, but students can use the first sentence to figure out the next three problems.


2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards deck covers double-digit addition problems to 40. There are 138 different cards, so your students will get tons of practice.


2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with solving double-digit addition problems up to 40. There are 63 different cards. MOST are double-digit addition with regrouping.


Missing Numbers Boom Cards

Missing Numbers Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with counting up by ten, counting down by ten, counting up by ones, counting down by ones, and a few counting by fives.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with showing how many ones there are even when they might add to more than ten. This will help students start to visualize how much easier it is when we group ten together.


2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards deck covers the strategy of using a number bond and adding ten first to solve the double-digit addition problems.


2 Digit Addition using Number Bonds Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition Boom Cards deck is a great way for your students to practice the strategy of number bonds and adding ONE first to solve the double-digit addition problems.



This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 1.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 2-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 2.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 3-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 3.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Equal Parts BOOM CARDS

This Equal Parts BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 7.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 8.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 9.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 10.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 11.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This TELLING TIME BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 12.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then fill in the place value chart.  Then students will write the number sentence to complete.



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then complete the NUMBER BOND.  Then students will write the number sentence.


Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS

This Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers dragging out the objects to solve (students will either drag out the tens and ones to add, or drag out the Xs to take away).


Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS

This Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at two numbers and then deciding if the first number is greater than, less than or equal to the second number (up to 100).


Number Chart BOOM CARDS

This Number Chart BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers typing in the numbers to complete the number chart, either count by tens or by ones (up to 120).


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will read the mystery statement, and then type out the mystery number.  Numbers go up to 119.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at the tens and ones and then write the correct amount into the place value chart.  (Numbers go up to 99).


Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS

This Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers either adding or subtracting groups of ten using dimes (numbers go up to 99).


Two-digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding two-digits to a group of tens (students count the tens and ones, then complete the math sentence).


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition (students will either solve adding tens first or solve adding ones first).


2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers students solving either adding tens first or adding ones first.


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding both tens, then adding both ones.


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens using BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition quick Tens using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out the manipulatives, then solve the problems).


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Because of Boom terms, these can be purchased on the Boom Platform or through TPT at this time. Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom.

This resource covers:

  • using the manipulatives to drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems

2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems).


Counting Money BOOM CARDS

This Counting Money BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at the cost of an item, and then finding the money bag that shows the same amount (students will need to be able to count dimes, nickels, and pennies - goes up to 25 cents).


Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS

This Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting with quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.


Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS

This Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting the dimes and then put in the tens place and counting the pennies and putting in ones place.

Home » Shop » BUNDLES » 1st Grade Year Long Boom Cards Math MEGA Bundle

1st Grade Year Long Boom Cards Math MEGA Bundle


Earn 199.99 Reward Points
Original price was: $304.50.Current price is: $199.99.

This 1st Grade Year Long Boom Cards Math MEGA Bundle has over 110 decks for your students to practice all year long.  Check out what each module covers in the full description!  These Boom Cards are self-checking, interactive, and so much fun for your students!

Product Quantity

5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards

This 5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at two 5-group card dots, add them together, and then click on the correct answer.


Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards

This Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number sentences to match pictures.  Students will look at the picture, then they will complete the number bond and two math sentences to match the picture.


Math Expressions using Boom Cards

This Math Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers looking at a picture and writing a math expression to match the picture.


Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards

This Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will have five options to choose from to complete the math sentence.  They will drag the correct card to the square to make a ten.


Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards

This Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers math sentences to match pictures.  Students will count the number of animals, then complete the math sentence to match.


One more Than using Boom Cards

This One more Than using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting one more.


Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds (voice directions are included).


Adding 1 More using Boom Cards

This Adding 1 More using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers adding one more to a number (up to 10)? This deck gives students manipulatives to drag out to add one more to a number, then count the total and type in the total into the box. Voice directions are included.


Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down at any given number.  Students will look at the thumbs to determine if they are going to count up by one, count down by one, or stay on that number.


Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true.


Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count up method to solve!


Count On to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Count On to Find the Sum Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Sum Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up to 20 (They will be given a number, and they will either have to type in the next three numbers going up or down.)


Writing Expressions using Boom Cards

This Writing Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the two colored cubes, and then type in the expression that matches.


Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards

This Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers equal or unequal expressions.


Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds and addition sentences.


Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards

This Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition using pictures  (They will look at the cubes, then complete the math sentence to match the cubes.)


Addition Chart using Boom Cards

This Addition Chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at an addition chart to figure out which expression is missing.


Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards

This Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition charts. Students will look at the chart and then figure out which expression is missing. Covers facts to 10.


Number Paths using Boom Cards

This Number Paths using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting using number path. Students will need to type out an addition sentence and subtraction sentence to match the number path.


Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards

This Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students decide which is easier in a subtraction sentence, counting on or counting back.


One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS

This One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers numbers to 120.  Students will type in the number that is one less than the number shown.


Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS

This Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers creating a subtraction sentence using the two given numbers.


Related Facts using BOOM CARDS

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Fact Families (related facts).  Students will solve the addition sentence, then solve the two related facts subtraction sentences.


Related Facts using Boom Cards

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Fact Families (Related Facts).  Students will complete the subtraction sentence, then using those numbers, they will then complete the two related addition sentences.



This REKENREK Practice using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Say Ten Way (students will look at a Rekenrek and decide what number it represents).


Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards

This Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will use the rekenrek to solve the subtraction problems.


One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards

This One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down by 1 up to 120.


Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the number bond, then decide which rekenrek image shows the same number bond.


Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers addition and subtraction sentences to match number bonds.



This Make a TEN BOOM DECK is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 49 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards

This Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 42 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS

This Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. The MAKE A TEN strategy can be such a hard concept for some, but with tons of practice, eventually they get it! This deck will help you give them all the practice that they need. Students will pull out a number to make a ten using the number bond.



This Make a TEN to ADD BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with nine as one addend. Students will pull one from the other number, then use the 10+ fact to solve. There are 15 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS? This deck covers the 10+ related fact with nine as one addend. There are 16 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This MAKE A TEN BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the MAKE A TEN strategy, then writing the 10+ fact to help them solve? This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. Then they will need to write the 10+ fact to find the sum. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS OF 10? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 37 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS

This Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit.  Do your kiddos need practice with matching pictures to number sentences? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 21 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit, and will help students visually see the take from ten strategy.  First, students will take from then, then add what is left. There are also some review cards that pull out ten from a teen number. There are 15 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten, then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 13 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten (WITH PICTURES), then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 9 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS deck will help students visualize the TAKE FROM TEN STRATEGY. They will either look at the picture and decide which number sentence matches, or look at the number sentence and decide which picture matches the number sentence.


Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS deck covers two different strategies - take from ten and the counting up strategy. This deck will help students see that sometimes the counting up strategy is the most efficient strategy, and other times the take from ten strategy is much quicker! The more students practice the take from ten strategy - the easier it becomes! I promise!


Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the take from ten strategy with 8 & 9. Students look at pictures, then at the arrows. Next, students will write the addition sentence and then they will solve the problem.


Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers matching the picture with the number sentence (take from ten strategy with 8 and 9). There are 29 cards in this deck.


Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers two strategies - take from ten and counting up. Students will practice both strategies to see the efficiency depending on the math sentence.


Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the TAKE FROM TEN strategy using 7,8, or 9. Great practice for this hard concept!


Math Strategies BOOM CARDS

This Math Strategies BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Students will look at a solution and decide if MAKE A TEN was used, TAKE FROM TEN was used, or COUNTING ON was used. This goes perfectly with Lesson 21 where students have to look at other student work and decide what they did.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. With this deck, students will practice building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. This deck goes will help you reteach/assess/enrich your Module 2 Lesson 2 lesson FOR FIRST GRADE.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. There's also three addend practice and equal expressions. To see if this resource fits your needs, you can check out the preview on TPT or Boom to see exactly what this resource has to offer.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom, your students will thank you.


Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with subtraction sentences to 10. Students will type in the correct answer, and they will get immediate feedback.


Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS

This Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. his Boom Deck covers all sorts of equal expressions. Some have 1 addition and 1 subtraction, some are both addition and some are both subtraction. These are higher level equal expressions!


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers students looking at a picture and then deciding how many tens there are and how many ones there are. Students will create a number bond for the picture and then write how many tens and ones.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers tens ones ones with either building teen numbers with two single digit numbers, or taking away from a teen number by using tens and ones.



This Make a Ten Boom Cards deck covers the make a ten strategy to solve.  Students will type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Take from Ten BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers TAKE FROM TEN strategy to solve. Students will be required to type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

This Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at two items and decide which one is shorter or which one is longer. Most are on the endpoint, but not all.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

With this Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck students will first need to count the centimeter cubes, then decide if group A is shorter than, longer than, or the same as B.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students lots of opportunities to first count the centimeter cubes, then type how long the item is.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to decide if the measurement was done correctly (spacing, end points, and counting.)


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at the two sets of centimeter cubes and decide which is longer/shorter than the other.


Analyzing Data Boom Deck

With this Analyzing Data Boom Deck, students will look at different graphs and answer questions. This deck also has how many more and how many fewer type questions.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards will help students understand the difference between a bundle of ten and extras. Students will look at the sticks, count the groups of tens and ones, then type in the answer into the box.


Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards

This Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck is a great set to help students with groups of tens and extras. Students will count the tens, then they will type in the amount.  Then they will count the ones (the extras), and then complete the place value chart. Once students type in the answer, they will get immediate feedback. This resource goes up to 40.


Place Value Boom Cards

Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for your students to practice reading a place value chart and then finding the picture that matches the number in the place value chart.


Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards

Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards is a great deck to add to your technology toolkit. This deck covers counting coins up to 40 using dimes and pennies. This is a St. Patrick's Day themed deck, but it is cute enough to use anytime.


Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards

Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards is a great set for your students to practice adding and taking away 10 and 1 from a given number. Students will look at the number in the first place value chart. Then they will look at the arrow that tells them to either add 1, subtract 1, add 10 or subtract 10.  Next, students will then type in the correct answer.


Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards

Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for students to practice place value by counting dimes and pennies as tens and ones. This deck goes up to 40 cents. Once students count the amount, they will fill in the place value chart and then type how many tens, ones, and the total amount.


Comparing Numbers Boom Cards

Comparing Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck to help students with comparing numbers up to 39. Students will look at the two pictures of tens and ones, write the amount for each, and then decide which shows more.


Ordering Numbers Boom Cards

Ordering Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck for students to manipulate numbers to put them in order. Students will drag the numbers from either least to greatest or greatest to least. Numbers go up to 40.


Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS Number Detective deck is a fun way for students to practice digits in the ones place and digits in the tens place. Students have to read the sentence, then type the number into the correct place in the place value chart.


Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards

Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers greater than, less than, or equal to and the numbers go up to 40. Students decide which phrase completes the sentence.


Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards

This Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards deck covers adding tens to either a one digit or two-digit number. Numbers are up to 49. Students type in the correct answer.


2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards deck gives students a visual of adding ones to a two-digit number. Then they have to write the addition sentence to match and then fill in the place value chart.


Addition Strategies Boom Cards

Addition Strategies Boom Cards deck gives students four different addition sentences. The first one is an easy addition sentence, then the next three add a multiple of ten, but students can use the first sentence to figure out the next three problems.


2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards deck covers double-digit addition problems to 40. There are 138 different cards, so your students will get tons of practice.


2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with solving double-digit addition problems up to 40. There are 63 different cards. MOST are double-digit addition with regrouping.


Missing Numbers Boom Cards

Missing Numbers Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with counting up by ten, counting down by ten, counting up by ones, counting down by ones, and a few counting by fives.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with showing how many ones there are even when they might add to more than ten. This will help students start to visualize how much easier it is when we group ten together.


2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards deck covers the strategy of using a number bond and adding ten first to solve the double-digit addition problems.


2 Digit Addition using Number Bonds Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition Boom Cards deck is a great way for your students to practice the strategy of number bonds and adding ONE first to solve the double-digit addition problems.



This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 1.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 2-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 2.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 3-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 3.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Equal Parts BOOM CARDS

This Equal Parts BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 7.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 8.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 9.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 10.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 11.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This TELLING TIME BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 12.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then fill in the place value chart.  Then students will write the number sentence to complete.



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then complete the NUMBER BOND.  Then students will write the number sentence.


Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS

This Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers dragging out the objects to solve (students will either drag out the tens and ones to add, or drag out the Xs to take away).


Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS

This Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at two numbers and then deciding if the first number is greater than, less than or equal to the second number (up to 100).


Number Chart BOOM CARDS

This Number Chart BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers typing in the numbers to complete the number chart, either count by tens or by ones (up to 120).


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will read the mystery statement, and then type out the mystery number.  Numbers go up to 119.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at the tens and ones and then write the correct amount into the place value chart.  (Numbers go up to 99).


Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS

This Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers either adding or subtracting groups of ten using dimes (numbers go up to 99).


Two-digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding two-digits to a group of tens (students count the tens and ones, then complete the math sentence).


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition (students will either solve adding tens first or solve adding ones first).


2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers students solving either adding tens first or adding ones first.


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding both tens, then adding both ones.


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens using BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition quick Tens using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out the manipulatives, then solve the problems).


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Because of Boom terms, these can be purchased on the Boom Platform or through TPT at this time. Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom.

This resource covers:

  • using the manipulatives to drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems

2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems).


Counting Money BOOM CARDS

This Counting Money BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at the cost of an item, and then finding the money bag that shows the same amount (students will need to be able to count dimes, nickels, and pennies - goes up to 25 cents).


Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS

This Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting with quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.


Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS

This Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting the dimes and then put in the tens place and counting the pennies and putting in ones place.

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Products in this Bundle:

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5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards

This 5-Group Card Addition using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at two 5-group card dots, add them together, and then click on the correct answer.


Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards

This Pictures and Number Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number sentences to match pictures.  Students will look at the picture, then they will complete the number bond and two math sentences to match the picture.


Math Expressions using Boom Cards

This Math Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers looking at a picture and writing a math expression to match the picture.


Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards

This Making 10 Addition Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will have five options to choose from to complete the math sentence.  They will drag the correct card to the square to make a ten.


Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards

This Number Sentences using pictures Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers math sentences to match pictures.  Students will count the number of animals, then complete the math sentence to match.


One more Than using Boom Cards

This One more Than using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting one more.


Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds (voice directions are included).


Adding 1 More using Boom Cards

This Adding 1 More using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers adding one more to a number (up to 10)? This deck gives students manipulatives to drag out to add one more to a number, then count the total and type in the total into the box. Voice directions are included.


Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Practice Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down at any given number.  Students will look at the thumbs to determine if they are going to count up by one, count down by one, or stay on that number.


Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Addition to 10 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true.


Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards

This Missing Addends Counting Up using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers missing numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count up method to solve!


Count On to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Missing Number Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Count On to Find the Sum Boom Cards

This Count ON to Find the Sum Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Missing Numbers.  Students will look at the math sentence, and then type in the missing number to make the math sentence true. They will use the count ON method to solve!


Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards

This Counting Up and Down using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up to 20 (They will be given a number, and they will either have to type in the next three numbers going up or down.)


Writing Expressions using Boom Cards

This Writing Expressions using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the two colored cubes, and then type in the expression that matches.


Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards

This Equal Expressions up to 10 using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers equal or unequal expressions.


Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Domino Addition Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers number bonds and addition sentences.


Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards

This Addition with Pictures using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition using pictures  (They will look at the cubes, then complete the math sentence to match the cubes.)


Addition Chart using Boom Cards

This Addition Chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at an addition chart to figure out which expression is missing.


Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards

This Missing Expressions with an Addition chart using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers addition charts. Students will look at the chart and then figure out which expression is missing. Covers facts to 10.


Number Paths using Boom Cards

This Number Paths using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting using number path. Students will need to type out an addition sentence and subtraction sentence to match the number path.


Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards

This Counting on or Counting Back Strategy using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students decide which is easier in a subtraction sentence, counting on or counting back.


One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS

This One Less up to 120 using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers numbers to 120.  Students will type in the number that is one less than the number shown.


Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS

This Subtraction Sentences using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers creating a subtraction sentence using the two given numbers.


Related Facts using BOOM CARDS

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Fact Families (related facts).  Students will solve the addition sentence, then solve the two related facts subtraction sentences.


Related Facts using Boom Cards

This Related Facts using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers Fact Families (Related Facts).  Students will complete the subtraction sentence, then using those numbers, they will then complete the two related addition sentences.



This REKENREK Practice using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This resource covers Say Ten Way (students will look at a Rekenrek and decide what number it represents).


Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards

This Subtraction Practice using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will use the rekenrek to solve the subtraction problems.


One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards

This One More and One Less up to 120 Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting up and down by 1 up to 120.


Number Bonds using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the number bond, then decide which rekenrek image shows the same number bond.


Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards

This Number Bonds and Math Sentences using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers addition and subtraction sentences to match number bonds.



This Make a TEN BOOM DECK is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 49 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards

This Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with two of the digits and then adding the third number to ten. There are 42 cards, so they will have TONS of "play" time! Boom cards randomize 20 cards at a time, so students will have many different opportunities to master the skills.


Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS

This Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. The MAKE A TEN strategy can be such a hard concept for some, but with tons of practice, eventually they get it! This deck will help you give them all the practice that they need. Students will pull out a number to make a ten using the number bond.



This Make a TEN to ADD BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with nine as one addend. Students will pull one from the other number, then use the 10+ fact to solve. There are 15 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS? This deck covers the 10+ related fact with nine as one addend. There are 16 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This MAKE A TEN BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the MAKE A TEN strategy, then writing the 10+ fact to help them solve? This deck covers making a ten with one addend being 8 or 9. Students will either pull out a 1 or 2 to help solve the addition problem. Then they will need to write the 10+ fact to find the sum. There are 26 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.



This RELATED FACTS BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with RELATED FACTS OF 10? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 37 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS

This Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit.  Do your kiddos need practice with matching pictures to number sentences? If so, this deck might be perfect for you! This strategy will help students later on with pulling out numbers to make a ten. There are 21 cards in this deck. Students will type in their answers to see if they are correct.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit, and will help students visually see the take from ten strategy.  First, students will take from then, then add what is left. There are also some review cards that pull out ten from a teen number. There are 15 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten, then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 13 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

This Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Do your kiddos need practice with the TAKE FROM TEN strategy? If so, this deck helps students visually see the taking from ten (WITH PICTURES), then adding what is left from that to the other number. There are 9 cards, and students have to type in the answers.


Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS deck will help students visualize the TAKE FROM TEN STRATEGY. They will either look at the picture and decide which number sentence matches, or look at the number sentence and decide which picture matches the number sentence.


Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS deck covers two different strategies - take from ten and the counting up strategy. This deck will help students see that sometimes the counting up strategy is the most efficient strategy, and other times the take from ten strategy is much quicker! The more students practice the take from ten strategy - the easier it becomes! I promise!


Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the take from ten strategy with 8 & 9. Students look at pictures, then at the arrows. Next, students will write the addition sentence and then they will solve the problem.


Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS

This Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers matching the picture with the number sentence (take from ten strategy with 8 and 9). There are 29 cards in this deck.


Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS

This Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers two strategies - take from ten and counting up. Students will practice both strategies to see the efficiency depending on the math sentence.


Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers the TAKE FROM TEN strategy using 7,8, or 9. Great practice for this hard concept!


Math Strategies BOOM CARDS

This Math Strategies BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. Students will look at a solution and decide if MAKE A TEN was used, TAKE FROM TEN was used, or COUNTING ON was used. This goes perfectly with Lesson 21 where students have to look at other student work and decide what they did.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. With this deck, students will practice building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. This deck goes will help you reteach/assess/enrich your Module 2 Lesson 2 lesson FOR FIRST GRADE.


Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with addition sentences. Students type in a missing addend or the sum. There's also three addend practice and equal expressions. To see if this resource fits your needs, you can check out the preview on TPT or Boom to see exactly what this resource has to offer.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom, your students will thank you.


Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS

This Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers building fluency with subtraction sentences to 10. Students will type in the correct answer, and they will get immediate feedback.


Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS

This Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. his Boom Deck covers all sorts of equal expressions. Some have 1 addition and 1 subtraction, some are both addition and some are both subtraction. These are higher level equal expressions!


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers students looking at a picture and then deciding how many tens there are and how many ones there are. Students will create a number bond for the picture and then write how many tens and ones.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers tens ones ones with either building teen numbers with two single digit numbers, or taking away from a teen number by using tens and ones.



This Make a Ten Boom Cards deck covers the make a ten strategy to solve.  Students will type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Take from Ten BOOM CARDS

This Take from Ten BOOM CARDS deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This Boom Deck covers TAKE FROM TEN strategy to solve. Students will be required to type in the two math sentences that helped them solve.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

This Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at two items and decide which one is shorter or which one is longer. Most are on the endpoint, but not all.


Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

With this Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck students will first need to count the centimeter cubes, then decide if group A is shorter than, longer than, or the same as B.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students lots of opportunities to first count the centimeter cubes, then type how long the item is.


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to decide if the measurement was done correctly (spacing, end points, and counting.)


Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

This Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck gives students the opportunity to look at the two sets of centimeter cubes and decide which is longer/shorter than the other.


Analyzing Data Boom Deck

With this Analyzing Data Boom Deck, students will look at different graphs and answer questions. This deck also has how many more and how many fewer type questions.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards will help students understand the difference between a bundle of ten and extras. Students will look at the sticks, count the groups of tens and ones, then type in the answer into the box.


Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards

This Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck is a great set to help students with groups of tens and extras. Students will count the tens, then they will type in the amount.  Then they will count the ones (the extras), and then complete the place value chart. Once students type in the answer, they will get immediate feedback. This resource goes up to 40.


Place Value Boom Cards

Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for your students to practice reading a place value chart and then finding the picture that matches the number in the place value chart.


Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards

Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards is a great deck to add to your technology toolkit. This deck covers counting coins up to 40 using dimes and pennies. This is a St. Patrick's Day themed deck, but it is cute enough to use anytime.


Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards

Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards is a great set for your students to practice adding and taking away 10 and 1 from a given number. Students will look at the number in the first place value chart. Then they will look at the arrow that tells them to either add 1, subtract 1, add 10 or subtract 10.  Next, students will then type in the correct answer.


Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards

Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards is a great deck for students to practice place value by counting dimes and pennies as tens and ones. This deck goes up to 40 cents. Once students count the amount, they will fill in the place value chart and then type how many tens, ones, and the total amount.


Comparing Numbers Boom Cards

Comparing Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck to help students with comparing numbers up to 39. Students will look at the two pictures of tens and ones, write the amount for each, and then decide which shows more.


Ordering Numbers Boom Cards

Ordering Numbers Boom Cards is a great deck for students to manipulate numbers to put them in order. Students will drag the numbers from either least to greatest or greatest to least. Numbers go up to 40.


Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS Number Detective deck is a fun way for students to practice digits in the ones place and digits in the tens place. Students have to read the sentence, then type the number into the correct place in the place value chart.


Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards

Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards deck is a great addition to your technology toolkit. This deck covers greater than, less than, or equal to and the numbers go up to 40. Students decide which phrase completes the sentence.


Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards

This Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards deck covers adding tens to either a one digit or two-digit number. Numbers are up to 49. Students type in the correct answer.


2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards deck gives students a visual of adding ones to a two-digit number. Then they have to write the addition sentence to match and then fill in the place value chart.


Addition Strategies Boom Cards

Addition Strategies Boom Cards deck gives students four different addition sentences. The first one is an easy addition sentence, then the next three add a multiple of ten, but students can use the first sentence to figure out the next three problems.


2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards deck covers double-digit addition problems to 40. There are 138 different cards, so your students will get tons of practice.


2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with solving double-digit addition problems up to 40. There are 63 different cards. MOST are double-digit addition with regrouping.


Missing Numbers Boom Cards

Missing Numbers Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with counting up by ten, counting down by ten, counting up by ones, counting down by ones, and a few counting by fives.


Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Tens and Ones Boom Cards deck will give your students lots of practice with showing how many ones there are even when they might add to more than ten. This will help students start to visualize how much easier it is when we group ten together.


2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards deck covers the strategy of using a number bond and adding ten first to solve the double-digit addition problems.


2 Digit Addition using Number Bonds Boom Cards

2 Digit Addition Boom Cards deck is a great way for your students to practice the strategy of number bonds and adding ONE first to solve the double-digit addition problems.



This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 1.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 2-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 2.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This 3-D Shapes BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 3.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Equal Parts BOOM CARDS

This Equal Parts BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 7.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This CLASSIFYING SHAPES BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 8.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

This Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 9.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 10.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!


Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS

This Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 11.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This TELLING TIME BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. This lesson goes perfectly with Module 5 lesson 12.  Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom!



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then fill in the place value chart.  Then students will write the number sentence to complete.



This Tens and Ones to 100 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will look at the tens and ones and then complete the NUMBER BOND.  Then students will write the number sentence.


Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS

This Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers dragging out the objects to solve (students will either drag out the tens and ones to add, or drag out the Xs to take away).


Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS

This Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at two numbers and then deciding if the first number is greater than, less than or equal to the second number (up to 100).


Number Chart BOOM CARDS

This Number Chart BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers typing in the numbers to complete the number chart, either count by tens or by ones (up to 120).


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Students will read the mystery statement, and then type out the mystery number.  Numbers go up to 119.


Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

This Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students. Students will look at the tens and ones and then write the correct amount into the place value chart.  (Numbers go up to 99).


Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS

This Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers either adding or subtracting groups of ten using dimes (numbers go up to 99).


Two-digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding two-digits to a group of tens (students count the tens and ones, then complete the math sentence).


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition (students will either solve adding tens first or solve adding ones first).


2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards

This 2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers students solving either adding tens first or adding ones first.


2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers adding both tens, then adding both ones.


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens using BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition quick Tens using BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out the manipulatives, then solve the problems).


2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  Because of Boom terms, these can be purchased on the Boom Platform or through TPT at this time. Use this resource if you have devices in your classroom.

This resource covers:

  • using the manipulatives to drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems

2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

This 2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers 2-digit addition using quick tens (students drag out to build the addition sentences, and then solve the problems).


Counting Money BOOM CARDS

This Counting Money BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers looking at the cost of an item, and then finding the money bag that shows the same amount (students will need to be able to count dimes, nickels, and pennies - goes up to 25 cents).


Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS

This Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting with quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.


Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS

This Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS deck is interactive, engaging, and fun for your students.  This resource covers counting the dimes and then put in the tens place and counting the pennies and putting in ones place.


This 1st Grade Year Long Boom Cards Math MEGA Bundle has over 110 decks for your students to practice all year long.  Check out what each module covers!  These Boom Cards are self-checking, interactive, and so much fun for your students!

💰💰💰💰 Save 30% when you purchase this YEAR-LONG bundle! 💰💰💰💰


  • Counting up and down
  • Writing math sentences/expressions from pictures
  • One More Than One Less Than
  • Missing Addends
  • Counting on to find the missing number/sum
  • Equal Expressions
  • Number Bonds
  • Addition Charts
  • Number Paths
  • Related Facts


  • Make a ten
  • Related 10 Fact
  • Take from 10
  • Count up to solve
  • Building fluency
  • Equal Expressions
  • Tens and ones


  • Shorter or longer
  • Counting paths
  • Measurement
  • Analyzing Data


  • Tens and ones
  • Place Value
  • Counting Coins
  • +1, -1, +10, -10
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To
  • Adding multiples of ten
  • 2-digit Addition
  • Make a ten


  • Classifying shapes
  • 2-d shapes
  • 3-d shapes
  • Equal parts
  • Halves and quarters
  • Fractions
  • Time to the hour
  • Time to the half hour
  • Telling time


  • place value
  • counting money
  • coins as tens and ones
  • addition and subtraction within 100
  • greater than, less than, and equal to up to 100

What are Boom Cards?

Boom Cards are digital task cards that are housed on a platform called  These are different from Google Slides because they are self-checking.  You can pay to have an account (under $30 a YEAR) or you can get a free account and use the fast-pin to share the decks with your students.  You can share through Google Classroom or any other way you typically share a link with your students.  The fast-pin is great, but if you want to track data - the paid version might be for you.  I would suggest you try a few decks first, then once you see how amazing they are - $30 a year seems pretty doable.  We even had our administration pay for our accounts.


What is needed to use Boom Cards:

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you'll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

You may be eligible for a free trial from Boom Learning. Read here for details: If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading).

How it works:  You purchase or grab a freebie deck, it then goes into your Boom library.  Once in your boom library, you can do a few different things.  You can either assign it through google classroom using the hyperplay link, or you can use the fast pin if you have the free account.  You can also create classes within boom and assign directly from there.


  • LOVE these! I am slowly getting each module as I have noticed an impact in my student's mastery. They do a great job reinforcing the skills we are working on.

  • Love Love Love these! Perfect resource for extra practice! Thank you!

  • These boom cards were very helpful to support the students learning. They are completely aligned with eureka math.

  • This is a great resource to use in the classroom as an assignment for homework. I highly recommend!

  • The boom cards are amazing and match Engage NY (Eureka Math) perfectly!! I love that the students can be independent workers and I can monitor their activity. The monitoring system can be a little tricky to understand and follow but with a little time and energy I have been able to track my students progress... and it has been great!!


Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product. Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!

Shanon Juneau ❤️


Additional information


Grade Levels

1st Grade



Make a Ten to Add using Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Make a ten to solve BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade



MAKE A TEN with 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade



Match picture to number sentences BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take From Ten to Solve BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Match the picture with the subtraction sentence BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take from Ten or the Counting up Strategy BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take from Ten using 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Match the picture with the number sentence BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting on or Take from Ten Strategy BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take from Ten Strategy with 7 8 and 9 BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Math Strategies BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Building Fluency BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Building Subtraction Fluency BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Equal Expressions BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade



Take from Ten BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Measurement Shorter or Longer Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Measuring with Centimeter Cubes Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Analyzing Data Boom Deck

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Place Value Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Place Value Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting Coins up to 40 Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Plus 10 Minus 10 Plus 1 Minus 1 Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Dimes and Pennies Place Value Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Comparing Numbers Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Ordering Numbers Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones Place Value BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Greater Than Less Than Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding Multiples of Ten Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition with Pictures Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Addition Strategies Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition Fluency Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition with Regrouping Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Missing Numbers Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition Making a New Ten Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition using Number Bonds Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade



Equal Parts BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Halves and Quarters BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Time to the Hour BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Time to the Half Hour BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade




Grade Levels

1st Grade



Plus 1 and 10 Minus 1 and 10 BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Greater than Less than BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Number Chart BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and Ones BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding and Subtracting Tens BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Two-digit Addition BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition Adding tens or ones first using Boom Cards

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition Quick Tens using BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition Quick Tens BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



2 Digit Addition BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting Money BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting With Coins BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Place Value with Coins BOOM CARDS

Grade Levels

1st Grade




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