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CVC Word Game

This CVC Word Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • bag, bet, big, bop, box, bug, bun, bus, can, cap, cat, cot, cup, cut, dip, fan, fig, fix, fog, gas, get, gum, hat, hen, hop, jig, job, jug, lip, mad, man, men, mix, mop, mug, not, nut, pad, peg, pen, pin, rag, ram, red, rob, rug, six, sun, tan, tap, ten, tin, top, tug, van, wig, win

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • said, now, my, help, make, has, am, we, and, from, down, get, into, black, park, out, yes, up, jump, me, ask, red, some, go, no, you, so, here, come, for, away, will, can, as, at, have, by, hand, the, but, was, grow, three, did, went, ran, what, see, ate, brown, little, play, funny, not, look, one, put

Nonsense Word Fluency Practice

This Nonsense Word Fluency Practice Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • ab, ap, bas, bif, bil, dej, fas, fis, fiv, hal, heg, hil, iv, jem, jof, jun, kal, kam, kek, kup, lan, lud, lus, luv, mip, moj, nej, nic, nof, op, os, peb, pim, ras, rog, sej, sez, sog, tej, tiv, tog, toz, tuv, ub, ug, uv, wej, wic, woc, yav, yel, yiz, zak, zod, zog, zul, zup

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • very, this, no, are, yellow, like, then, house, please, must, all, where, good, it's, I'm, ride, our, four, they, want, them, say, pretty, now, with, of, land, oh, an, his, over, too, white, that, came, her, him, soon, under, two, need, children, going, when, let, give, again, or, milk, were, know, take, any, there, more, by, round

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • once, how, could, made, other, open, may, right, come, every, time, each, that, walk, thank, after, first, live, ask, who, school, many, were, baby, thing, book, said, tell, home, boy, don't, can't, wasn't, use, why, they, bus, cat, back, under, watch, people, eat, just, has, grow, day, ball, saw, yes, have, from, came, didn't, man, think, same

Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game

This Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • UT: but, cut, hut, nut, put, rut, shut, gut
  • IT: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, spit, grit
  • AT: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, chat, that, flat, what
  • ET: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet
  • OT: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot,, tot, shot, trot, spot, blot, plot, snot

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • care, fish, cut, sit, will, talk, well, read, new, find, work, fall, best, call, hill, still, next, fast, door, those, pet, us, Mrs., done, miss, feet, that's, live, Mr., long, fell, went, night, only, sleep, were, move, pull, five, I'll, jump, where, take, tell, shout, love, might, life, room, high, other, think, saw, much, their, something, morning

Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE

This Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • clue, fun, June, pug, sun, but, cube, fuse, luck, puke, truck, bus, cup, glue, lung, pup, trust, bump, cupid, gulp, mud, rub, tub, bug, cute, gum, mule, rule, tug, bud, dug, hug, mum, rust, unit, blue, duke, huge, music, scuff, use, dunk, flute, hum, must, spun, yuck, fuel, hump, mute, stump, yum, fume, hut, nut, sum, chute
Home » Shop » BUNDLES » 1st Grade Sight Words Game High Frequency Word Practice GAME BUNDLE

1st Grade Sight Words Game High Frequency Word Practice GAME BUNDLE

Earn 12.60 Reward Points
Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $12.60.

This 1st Grade Sight Words Game High Frequency Word Practice GAME BUNDLE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It’s perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.

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CVC Word Game

This CVC Word Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • bag, bet, big, bop, box, bug, bun, bus, can, cap, cat, cot, cup, cut, dip, fan, fig, fix, fog, gas, get, gum, hat, hen, hop, jig, job, jug, lip, mad, man, men, mix, mop, mug, not, nut, pad, peg, pen, pin, rag, ram, red, rob, rug, six, sun, tan, tap, ten, tin, top, tug, van, wig, win

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • said, now, my, help, make, has, am, we, and, from, down, get, into, black, park, out, yes, up, jump, me, ask, red, some, go, no, you, so, here, come, for, away, will, can, as, at, have, by, hand, the, but, was, grow, three, did, went, ran, what, see, ate, brown, little, play, funny, not, look, one, put

Nonsense Word Fluency Practice

This Nonsense Word Fluency Practice Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • ab, ap, bas, bif, bil, dej, fas, fis, fiv, hal, heg, hil, iv, jem, jof, jun, kal, kam, kek, kup, lan, lud, lus, luv, mip, moj, nej, nic, nof, op, os, peb, pim, ras, rog, sej, sez, sog, tej, tiv, tog, toz, tuv, ub, ug, uv, wej, wic, woc, yav, yel, yiz, zak, zod, zog, zul, zup

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • very, this, no, are, yellow, like, then, house, please, must, all, where, good, it's, I'm, ride, our, four, they, want, them, say, pretty, now, with, of, land, oh, an, his, over, too, white, that, came, her, him, soon, under, two, need, children, going, when, let, give, again, or, milk, were, know, take, any, there, more, by, round

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • once, how, could, made, other, open, may, right, come, every, time, each, that, walk, thank, after, first, live, ask, who, school, many, were, baby, thing, book, said, tell, home, boy, don't, can't, wasn't, use, why, they, bus, cat, back, under, watch, people, eat, just, has, grow, day, ball, saw, yes, have, from, came, didn't, man, think, same

Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game

This Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • UT: but, cut, hut, nut, put, rut, shut, gut
  • IT: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, spit, grit
  • AT: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, chat, that, flat, what
  • ET: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet
  • OT: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot,, tot, shot, trot, spot, blot, plot, snot

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • care, fish, cut, sit, will, talk, well, read, new, find, work, fall, best, call, hill, still, next, fast, door, those, pet, us, Mrs., done, miss, feet, that's, live, Mr., long, fell, went, night, only, sleep, were, move, pull, five, I'll, jump, where, take, tell, shout, love, might, life, room, high, other, think, saw, much, their, something, morning

Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE

This Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • clue, fun, June, pug, sun, but, cube, fuse, luck, puke, truck, bus, cup, glue, lung, pup, trust, bump, cupid, gulp, mud, rub, tub, bug, cute, gum, mule, rule, tug, bud, dug, hug, mum, rust, unit, blue, duke, huge, music, scuff, use, dunk, flute, hum, must, spun, yuck, fuel, hump, mute, stump, yum, fume, hut, nut, sum, chute
Grade Level:
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CVC Word Game

This CVC Word Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • bag, bet, big, bop, box, bug, bun, bus, can, cap, cat, cot, cup, cut, dip, fan, fig, fix, fog, gas, get, gum, hat, hen, hop, jig, job, jug, lip, mad, man, men, mix, mop, mug, not, nut, pad, peg, pen, pin, rag, ram, red, rob, rug, six, sun, tan, tap, ten, tin, top, tug, van, wig, win

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 1 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • said, now, my, help, make, has, am, we, and, from, down, get, into, black, park, out, yes, up, jump, me, ask, red, some, go, no, you, so, here, come, for, away, will, can, as, at, have, by, hand, the, but, was, grow, three, did, went, ran, what, see, ate, brown, little, play, funny, not, look, one, put

Nonsense Word Fluency Practice

This Nonsense Word Fluency Practice Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • ab, ap, bas, bif, bil, dej, fas, fis, fiv, hal, heg, hil, iv, jem, jof, jun, kal, kam, kek, kup, lan, lud, lus, luv, mip, moj, nej, nic, nof, op, os, peb, pim, ras, rog, sej, sez, sog, tej, tiv, tog, toz, tuv, ub, ug, uv, wej, wic, woc, yav, yel, yiz, zak, zod, zog, zul, zup

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 2 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • very, this, no, are, yellow, like, then, house, please, must, all, where, good, it's, I'm, ride, our, four, they, want, them, say, pretty, now, with, of, land, oh, an, his, over, too, white, that, came, her, him, soon, under, two, need, children, going, when, let, give, again, or, milk, were, know, take, any, there, more, by, round

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 3 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • once, how, could, made, other, open, may, right, come, every, time, each, that, walk, thank, after, first, live, ask, who, school, many, were, baby, thing, book, said, tell, home, boy, don't, can't, wasn't, use, why, they, bus, cat, back, under, watch, people, eat, just, has, grow, day, ball, saw, yes, have, from, came, didn't, man, think, same

Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game

This Word Family Activities First Grade Centers Game is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • UT: but, cut, hut, nut, put, rut, shut, gut
  • IT: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, spit, grit
  • AT: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, chat, that, flat, what
  • ET: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet
  • OT: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot,, tot, shot, trot, spot, blot, plot, snot

1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4

This 1st Grade Sight Words High Frequency Word Practice Game - Set 4 is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • care, fish, cut, sit, will, talk, well, read, new, find, work, fall, best, call, hill, still, next, fast, door, those, pet, us, Mrs., done, miss, feet, that's, live, Mr., long, fell, went, night, only, sleep, were, move, pull, five, I'll, jump, where, take, tell, shout, love, might, life, room, high, other, think, saw, much, their, something, morning

Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE

This Short Vowel Games Short U Literacy Centers FREEBIE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.


  • clue, fun, June, pug, sun, but, cube, fuse, luck, puke, truck, bus, cup, glue, lung, pup, trust, bump, cupid, gulp, mud, rub, tub, bug, cute, gum, mule, rule, tug, bud, dug, hug, mum, rust, unit, blue, duke, huge, music, scuff, use, dunk, flute, hum, must, spun, yuck, fuel, hump, mute, stump, yum, fume, hut, nut, sum, chute

This 1st Grade Sight Words Game High Frequency Word Practice GAME BUNDLE is fun, challenging, competitive, and engaging! My students ask to play over and over again! They are recognizing words that they need to know FASTER and FASTER with this game. It's perfect for small group instruction, center rotations, and RTI.

💰💰💰💰 Save 20% when you purchase the bundle! 💰💰💰💰



  • bag, bet, big, bop, box, bug, bun, bus, can, cap, cat, cot, cup, cut, dip, fan, fig, fix, fog, gas, get, gum, hat, hen, hop, jig, job, jug, lip, mad, man, men, mix, mop, mug, not, nut, pad, peg, pen, pin, rag, ram, red, rob, rug, six, sun, tan, tap, ten, tin, top, tug, van, wig, win


  • UT word family: but, cut, hut, nut, put, rut, shut, gut
  • IT word family: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, spit, grit
  • AT word family: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, chat, that, flat, what
  • ET word family: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet
  • OT word family: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot,, tot, shot, trot, spot, blot, plot, snot


  • said, now, my, help, make, has, am, we, and, from, down, get, into, black, park, out, yes, up, jump, me, ask, red, some, go, no, you, so, here, come, for, away, will, can, as, at, have, by, hand, the, but, was, grow, three, did, went, ran, what, see, ate, brown, little, play, funny, not, look, one, put
  • very, this, no, are, yellow, like, then, house, please, must, all, where, good, it's, I'm, ride, our, four, they, want, them, say, pretty, now, with, of, land, oh, an, his, over, too, white, that, came, her, him, soon, under, two, need, children, going, when, let, give, again, or, milk, were, know, take, any, there, more, by, round
  • once, how, could, made, other, open, may, right, come, every, time, each, that, walk, thank, after, first, live, ask, who, school, many, were, baby, thing, book, said, tell, home, boy, don't, can't, wasn't, use, why, they, bus, cat, back, under, watch, people, eat, just, has, grow, day, ball, saw, yes, have, from, came, didn't, man, think, same
  • care, fish, cut, sit, will, talk, well, read, new, find, work, fall, best, call, hill, still, next, fast, door, those, pet, us, Mrs., done, miss, feet, that's, live, Mr., long, fell, went, night, only, sleep, were, move, pull, five, I'll, jump, where, take, tell, shout, love, might, life, room, high, other, think, saw, much, their, something, morning


  • The game has 8 words on each card, 55 cards, and 57 different words. The object of the game is to say the one word on your card that matches the middle card before your opponents say their matching word.
  • Every card has a match - it's crazy, but it works.
  • You can also split the deck and have two groups playing. It doesn't matter how many cards you use or if a card gets lost.
  • It takes a bit of set up (printing, laminating, and cutting) but I promise... you won't be disappointed that you spent a bit of time in prep. Your students will LOVE it!


These Literacy Center Games will have your students thinking YOU’RE THE BEST TEACHER EVER!  They have NO IDEA that they are actually practicing fluency building/word recognition skills with this one.  By far… the best center activity ever!  They will beg to play!  It’s fun, addictive, engaging, and fast paced.



  • This is a fun and engaging game that keeps my students interest. They love playing it over and over again! Thank you so much 🙂

  • This was a huge hit during literacy center time.

  • Wow! What an ingenious idea!

  • My students loved this game so much.

  • What a fun game! Kids want this for literacy centers! Thank You!

  • This is a student favorite!


Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product. Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!

Shanon Juneau ❤️



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