Fun writing activities for centers
I’m always looking for fun writing activities for centers! Yes, I am “one of those teachers” who had a thousand center activities and never enough time to implement them all. But hey… I wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter what – I have something to keep my students engaged and learning/writing while I am in guided reading.
Write-On Shapes
These are so stinkin’ cute – how could students NOT want to write? Now, these take a bit of prep work – since you’ll need to have the lines and cover sheets for each shape, but again, still worth it! Suggestions… if you find that it is taking too long for your students to cut them out, you could always send them home with a room mom and have her cut and staple, so that they are ready for your kiddos. Personally – cutting is part of the process in K and 1st (in my opinion), so let them cut. 😉
Make fun writing activities for centers yourself
If you would like to make these fun writing activities for centers yourself, I purchased the shapes from TpT. I have three different resources. You’ll just need to make your own lines for your students to write.
No time for that?
If you are thinking… I don’t have time for that! Well, I’ve got you covered. I have created a set here that has the options below:
- Birdhouse
- Bee
- Bird
- Bus
- Butterfly
- Church
- Castle
- Cat
- Dog
- Helicopter
- House
- School
- Sun
- Turtle
- Alien
A few suggestions:
- Because these take a bit more prep time, I would not just put these in the center. I would hand out on an idividual basis, and even record who is working on what so that they have to actually finish one before they can start on another one.
- Keep them in a binder or a filing cabinet stapled and ready to go – so that when a student picks this center, you can quickly hand out.
- OR you could just do one or two options at a time if you are finding that they are taking to long to decide which one they want.
Want to try a freebie?
Sign up for my email below, and you can get a free write-on shape to try for your writing activities for centers! I’d love to hear what you thought of it if you download or what other options you’d like to see in my next write-on shape resource.
Check out my other writing activities here!
Shanon Juneau
We Are Better Together