Product Quantity

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using a tape diagram with word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using tape diagrams with word problems (discussing different parts of tape diagram)

Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3

This Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Working with subtraction cards to write subtraction sentences
  • Pulling apart numbers to see tens and ones
  • Place value

Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4

This Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • Working with a Rekenrek to show tens and ones
  • Pulling out groups of ten from a two-digit number and then writing into a place value chart

Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5

This Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Addition and subtraction fluency
  • ✓ Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • ✓ Using pennies and dimes to count
  • ✓ Adding 1, Subtracting 1
  • ✓ Adding 10, Subtracting 10

Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6

This Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Looking at place value chart and deciding which symbol to use (greater than, less than)
  • Look at statements and decide which symbol to use

Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7

This Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Working with a 120 chart (pulling out the tens)

1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8

This 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Adding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120
  • Using a Rekenrek to add within 120

Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9

This Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Using cubes to count to 120

Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10

This Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Related facts
  • Adding one more with a Rekenrek
  • Changing counting ones to counting tens

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting dimes (practice counting by tens)
  • Adding to get to the next group of ten
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Adding groups of ten
  • Adding a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Adding groups of ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15

This Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Pulling out 1,2,3 from a number bond (numbers to 100)
  • Introduce vertical addition with cubes and quick tens

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition fluency
  • Counting with dimes and pennies
  • Introduce vertical addition with numbers

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Addition with two-digit numbers
  • Vertical addition with numbers

Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18

This Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Change subtraction sentence to addition sentence
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19

This Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Introduction of the quarter
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to add
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences to add coins
  • Count coins

Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23

This Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to subtract
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences when adding pennies
  • Count coins

Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24

This Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Working with place value (tens and ones)
  • Using coins to complete place value

Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25

This Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Ten less, ten more
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Refresher on telling time (hour and half hour)
  • ✓ Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Refresher on 2d and 3d shapes
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Module 6 Lesson 28 Review

This Module 6 Lesson 28 Review powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, other part of 10, and counting dots.

Review Module 6 Lesson 29

This Review Module 6 Lesson 29 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, the Say Ten Way and missing numbers.
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Module 6 Daily Lesson Bundle


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Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $67.20.

This Module 6 Daily Lesson Bundle powerpoints guide you through the lesson – helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don’t have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!

Product Quantity

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using a tape diagram with word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using tape diagrams with word problems (discussing different parts of tape diagram)

Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3

This Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Working with subtraction cards to write subtraction sentences
  • Pulling apart numbers to see tens and ones
  • Place value

Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4

This Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • Working with a Rekenrek to show tens and ones
  • Pulling out groups of ten from a two-digit number and then writing into a place value chart

Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5

This Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Addition and subtraction fluency
  • ✓ Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • ✓ Using pennies and dimes to count
  • ✓ Adding 1, Subtracting 1
  • ✓ Adding 10, Subtracting 10

Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6

This Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Looking at place value chart and deciding which symbol to use (greater than, less than)
  • Look at statements and decide which symbol to use

Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7

This Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Working with a 120 chart (pulling out the tens)

1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8

This 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Adding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120
  • Using a Rekenrek to add within 120

Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9

This Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Using cubes to count to 120

Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10

This Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Related facts
  • Adding one more with a Rekenrek
  • Changing counting ones to counting tens

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting dimes (practice counting by tens)
  • Adding to get to the next group of ten
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Adding groups of ten
  • Adding a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Adding groups of ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15

This Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Pulling out 1,2,3 from a number bond (numbers to 100)
  • Introduce vertical addition with cubes and quick tens

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition fluency
  • Counting with dimes and pennies
  • Introduce vertical addition with numbers

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Addition with two-digit numbers
  • Vertical addition with numbers

Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18

This Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Change subtraction sentence to addition sentence
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19

This Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Introduction of the quarter
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to add
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences to add coins
  • Count coins

Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23

This Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to subtract
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences when adding pennies
  • Count coins

Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24

This Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Working with place value (tens and ones)
  • Using coins to complete place value

Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25

This Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Ten less, ten more
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Refresher on telling time (hour and half hour)
  • ✓ Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Refresher on 2d and 3d shapes
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Module 6 Lesson 28 Review

This Module 6 Lesson 28 Review powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, other part of 10, and counting dots.

Review Module 6 Lesson 29

This Review Module 6 Lesson 29 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, the Say Ten Way and missing numbers.
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Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using a tape diagram with word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Using tape diagrams with word problems (discussing different parts of tape diagram)

Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3

This Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Working with subtraction cards to write subtraction sentences
  • Pulling apart numbers to see tens and ones
  • Place value

Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4

This Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • Working with a Rekenrek to show tens and ones
  • Pulling out groups of ten from a two-digit number and then writing into a place value chart

Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5

This Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Addition and subtraction fluency
  • ✓ Place value (looking at different digits in the tens place and ones place)
  • ✓ Using pennies and dimes to count
  • ✓ Adding 1, Subtracting 1
  • ✓ Adding 10, Subtracting 10

Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6

This Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Looking at place value chart and deciding which symbol to use (greater than, less than)
  • Look at statements and decide which symbol to use

Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7

This Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Addition fluency
  • Equal or not equal expressions and numbers (using symbols)
  • Working with a 120 chart (pulling out the tens)

1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8

This 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Word problem with tape diagram
  • Adding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120
  • Using a Rekenrek to add within 120

Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9

This Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Counting up and down within 100
  • Using cubes to count to 120

Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10

This Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Related facts
  • Adding one more with a Rekenrek
  • Changing counting ones to counting tens

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Counting dimes (practice counting by tens)
  • Adding to get to the next group of ten
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12

This Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Adding groups of ten
  • Adding a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14

This Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review making a ten to solve
  • Adding groups of ten to solve
  • Using different strategies to add two-digit numbers (make the next ten)

Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15

This Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Pulling out 1,2,3 from a number bond (numbers to 100)
  • Introduce vertical addition with cubes and quick tens

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition fluency
  • Counting with dimes and pennies
  • Introduce vertical addition with numbers

Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17

This Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Addition and subtraction fluency
  • Addition with two-digit numbers
  • Vertical addition with numbers

Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18

This Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Change subtraction sentence to addition sentence
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19

This Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Different strategies when adding two-digit numbers
  • Practice adding two-digit numbers

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Equal equations
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Introduction of the quarter
  • Review of value of coins
  • Build amount with coins

Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22

This Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to add
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences to add coins
  • Count coins

Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23

This Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Using different strategies to subtract
  • Name Coins
  • Write math sentences when adding pennies
  • Count coins

Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24

This Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Working with place value (tens and ones)
  • Using coins to complete place value

Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25

This Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Ten less, ten more
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • ✓ Refresher on telling time (hour and half hour)
  • ✓ Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27

This Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Refresher on 2d and 3d shapes
  • Using tape diagrams for different types of word problems

Module 6 Lesson 28 Review

This Module 6 Lesson 28 Review powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, other part of 10, and counting dots.

Review Module 6 Lesson 29

This Review Module 6 Lesson 29 powerpoint guides you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!


  • Review of different concepts taught throughout the year. I would honestly just pull up some old ppts from previous lessons and work through the fluency concepts. This one covers number bonds, the Say Ten Way and missing numbers.

This Module 6 Daily Lesson Bundle powerpoints guide you through the lesson - helping you teach fluency, application, and concept development. You can also use as a Google Slideshow if you don't have powerpoint. You must press PLAY/PRESENT for this to work, as there are actions on each page. These are SUPER ENGAGING and INTERACTIVE!

💰💰💰💰 Save 20% when you purchase this bundle! 💰💰💰💰


If you aren't sure these will work for you, please read more by clicking on the link below. These daily lessons will walk you through the process so you don't have to sit behind a binder to teach.  They give examples and help practice and teach fluency and concept development for each topic.  My students sit on the carpet for most of this portion of the daily lesson.  They have their white boards so I can check for understanding, and we have our leader who is usually at the board with me calling on students and helping with the lesson. READ MORE AND GRAB A FEW FREEBIES HERE!


My Math daily powerpoints have been a game-changer for hundreds of buyers. If you are new to first grade OR you are looking to spruce up your daily lessons, you might want to check these out!

  • LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this resource. It made planning my lessons so much easier. The students were fully engaged and enjoyed the warm up activities. I just wish that they might be a bit more editable, such as the application problem, so that I can either match them specifically with the problem in the program, or I could change people's names to match those of my students. Otherwise, amazing resource! Look forward to continuing to use them next school year!

  • This resource is a life saver. I love how interactive it is for myself and my students. I'm also able to edit it to my class and students which is a plus.

  • This made teaching Eureka Math so much easier and engaging! I am looking forward to using them again this year with my first graders! Thank you!

  • This is amazing! I don't know what I am going to do when we need to move on to Second Grade Math! Any chance you will make your amazing powerpoints for Second?

  • Love these slide shows! I didn't know how I was going to teach my online only students and this has really helped. I also use it with my in class learners. Hybrid teaching is so much work this saved me a TON of time.

  • This is amazing! There are parts of the slides that I need to change because the lessons are slightly different than what we were given. It is super helpful to have especially for the fluency and concept development parts! I highly recommend this product!


    Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product.

    Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!

    Shanon Juneau ❤️




Additional information

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 1

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 2

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tens and ones Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 3

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Place Value up to 100 Module 6 Lesson 4

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Plus 1, Minus 1, Plus 10, Minus 10 Module 6 Lesson 5

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Greater than | Less Than Module 6 Lesson 6

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Numbers to 120 Module 6 Lesson 7

Grade Levels

1st Grade



1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less within 120 Module 6 Lesson 8

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting to 120 Module 6 Lesson 9

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Groups of ten Module 6 Lesson 10

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 11

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding Two Digit Numbers Module 6 Lesson 12

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 13

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Adding Two Digit Numbers together Module 6 Lesson 14

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Vertical Addition Module 6 Lesson 15

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 16

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Vertical Addition with Numbers Module 6 Lesson 17

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Two-Digit addition Module 6 Lesson 18

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Two-Digit addition Strategies Module 6 Lesson 19

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 20

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 21

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Working with Coins Module 6 Lesson 22

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting on using pennies Module 6 Lesson 23

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Counting up to 120 Module 6 Lesson 24

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tape Diagrams Module 6 Lesson 25

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 26

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Tape Diagrams and Word Problems Module 6 Lesson 27

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Module 6 Lesson 28 Review

Grade Levels

1st Grade



Review Module 6 Lesson 29

Grade Levels

1st Grade




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