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Circus Themed Book Marks

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If you are looking for an easy gift for your students, these Circus themed Book Marks are a great way to personalize a gift, and they are super cute and functional.  Who doesn’t love a book mark?  These book marks are customizable. You can add your student’s picture and their name to the book marks. Take a picture of your student, crop the picture, send to back, and place in the hole of the book mark. Then print, laminate, and it’s a personalized book mark!  Read more below, and then grab a freebie to try out!

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If you are looking for an easy gift for your students, these Circus themed Book Marks are a great way to personalize a gift, and they are super cute and functional.  Who doesn't love a book mark?  These book marks are customizable. You can add your student's picture and their name to the book marks. Take a picture of your student, crop the picture, send to back, and place in the hole of the book mark. Then print, laminate, and it's a personalized book mark!  Read more below, and then grab a freebie to try out!

Beginning of the School Year Gifts for Students

What would be a beginning of the school year gifts for students? I’ve asked myself this many times, and let me just say… I love first grade, and I love first graders!  No matter what you create for them, they will think you are the best teacher EVER!  I always smile thinking about how easy it is to please them.  And I can truly say this because I’ve also taught 4th grade, and 6-8th graders – they aren’t as easy.  Just speaking my truth!  Although I really really really loved my middle school students – but one skittle because they walked in the hall isn’t going to do it for them! At least not where I teach.

Our personalized book marks came about after I created a Mother’s Day book mark with the students’ pictures and a saying.  One of my students said that they would love to have their own book mark – and TADA!!!  I wouldn’t want to disappoint. But like I said – not my idea!


These are actually super easy to use.  Back in the day, it wasn’t as easy – we had to crop into a circle, and it never really looked good.  But now – the circle is actually a hole, so it looks really professional!  Here’s what you do:

  • Grab your camera and take pictures of each student
  • Download those pictures to your computer
  • Drag the pictures onto the Google Slide or PPT
  • Crop into a square
  • Send to back
  • VOILLA! (Check out the video to see it in action - linked below)



Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product. Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!

Shanon Juneau ❤️



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