Bee Bot Mat Ten More and Less
This Bee Bot Mat Ten More and Less Activity Mat is a great way to introduce coding into your elementary classroom, as well as help students with ten more ten less and one more one less, while coding their robot to get to the correct answer. This resource is to be used with the Bee Bot programmable robot that you already have in your classroom (The Bee-Bot Robot is not included, nor is the plastic mat!)
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Here's what's included:
- Task cards for students to complete so they can program their Bee bot
- Enough picture cards to make at least a 4x6 grid
- Answer Document for students to check their answer after their Bee-Bot gets to the location
- Coding Sheet for students to record the movements
What is a Bee Bot you ask?
So, let’ me explain a little bit about how this Bee Bot Coding Fun activity works. The Bee-Bot is used to help elementary students start the coding process. They (the students) give instructions to the robot by pressing the arrow keys on Bee-Bot’s back and then pressing Go to execute the commands. Bee-Bot has four directions that he/she understands, and the students must get him/her where they want the Bee Bot to go with only those four types of instructions.
Students select a task card (bee bot activity cards) and read the task card. This will tell the students where they need to move their Bee-Bot. There’s always a starting place on the mat. Students will look at the starting place on the Bee Bot and then plan out the route they want their Bee Bot to take.
What others have to say:
- I love how these squares are premeasured for a Bee Bot mat! I so appreciate your hard work! Thank you!
- BeeBots are a great way to help students learn. I use these with small group rotation during math class.
- My students greatly enjoyed using the resource with our BeeBots. They were learning while they thought they were just playing!
- One of the best bundles I've ever purchased!! Such a perfect way to practice coding and engaging my students to practice skills in a fun way!
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about this product. (Bee Bot Mat Ten More and Less Activity Mat)
Thank you for visiting my store! I sure appreciate you!
Shanon Juneau ❤️
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