As we headed into Distance Learning, it quickly became a frenzy of how to help teachers with this new type of learning/reteaching/assessing, while trying to not only maintain a bit of normalcy for our own families, but also to keep our students with some type of normalcy.
What was used before, didn’t necessarily work anymore. OR… you didn’t have time to create all types of packets for your kiddos. For us… we found out that we weren’t going back the same day we had to leave. There was no preparation.
So… to try to help with the online learning, I sent out links to my Boom decks, which I think has truly helped. The next step is to make assessments a bit easier for you as well. So I took my task cards, and created Google Forms for them so that after your students use the digital task cards or Boom decks, you can then truly get a record of how well they are understanding the concepts.
Here’s how Google Forms work:
- You’ll get a link after you purchase the resource
- It will direct you to MAKE A COPY
- After you make a copy, it will be dropped into your Google Drive
- Find the Google Quiz (form)
- You can share through:
- Google Classroom (this is the easiest way)
- Grab the link and share (however you share with parents – if this is distance learning)
- Grab the link and put on your website
- In the classroom, you can also create a QR code for the form so students just have to scan the QR code and they are directed to the Google Fom
- Once students take the test, you can go back into the form, click on Responses, and from there you can see the student responses (see the directions in the resource that shows pictures)
- You can also click on the green “plus sign” Google Sheets, and create a Google Sheet that will show you each student, their score, and all of their responses
It’s super easy to use and so much better than HAND GRADING!!